

TU Dortmund






TU Dortmund
Faculty of Mathematics — Chair III of Applied Mathematics
Vogelpothsweg 87
44227 Dortmund
Phone: +49-(0)231-755-3076
Fax: +49-(0)231-755-5933

Dipl.-Inf. Markus Geveler

Dipl.-Inf. Markus Geveler
Telefax(0231) 755-5933


  • Design and implementation of numerically scalable solvers for large systems on parallel, heterogeneous hardware architectures especially for FEM / CFD
  • Design of concepts and code optimizations for energy-efficient High Performance Computing
  • Design of concepts for Numerical Cloud Computing and their implementation

Research Interests

  • Energy-efficient High Performance Computing
  • Hardware-oriented, FEM-based simulation and geometric multigrid methods
  • Performance-Modelling
  • Numerical Cloud Computing
  • Scientific computing on consumer electronic devices / embedded systems like ARM-based SoCs
  • Numerical methods for solving the Shallow Water Equations, LBM
  • Realtime rendering
  • Softwareengineering, Algorithm Engineering, hardwareoriented optimization
  • Mixed precision
  • Game Theory


Authors Title / Event / Year Download
van Dyk, D.; Geveler, M.; Mallach, S.; Ribbrock, D.; Göddeke, D.; Gutwenger, C. HONEI: A collection of libraries for numerical computations targeting multiple processor architectures, Computer Physics Communications, 180, 12, 2534-2543, DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2009.04.018, 2009 [Abstract] [BibTeX]
Geveler, M. Echtzeitfähige Interaktion von Festkörpern mit 2D Lattice-Boltzmann Flachwasserströmungen in 3D Virtual-Reality Anwendungen, 2009 [BibTeX]
Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Göddeke, D.; Turek, S. Lattice-Boltzmann Simulation of the Shallow-Water Equations with Fluid-Structure Interaction on Multi- and Manycore Processors, Keller, R., Kramer, D., Weiß, J., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6310, 92-104, Facing the Multicore Challenge, Springer, 2010 [BibTeX]
Ribbrock, D.; Geveler, M.; Göddeke, D.; Turek, S. Performance and accuracy of Lattice-Boltzmann kernels on multi- and manycore architectures, Sloot, P., Dick van Albada, G., Dongarra, J., Procedia Computer Science, 1, 1, 239 - 247, International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS`10), Elsevier, doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2010.04.027, 2010 [BibTeX]
Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Mallach, S.; Göddeke, D.; Turek, S. A Simulation Suite for Lattice-Boltzmann based Real-Time-CFD Applications Exploiting Multi-Level Parallelism on modern Multi- and Many-Core Architectures, Journal of Computational Science, 2, 113-123, doi 10.1016/j.jocs.2011.01.008, 2011 [Abstract] [BibTeX]
Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Göddeke, D.; Zajac, P.; Turek, S. Efficient Finite Element Geometric Multigrid Solvers for Unstructured Grids on GPUs, Ivànyi, P., Topping, B., 22, Second International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering, Civil-Comp Press, Young Researcher Best Paper Award (doi: 10.4203/ccp.95.22), 2011 [BibTeX]
Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Göddeke, D.; Zajac, P.; Turek, S. Towards a complete FEM-based simulation toolkit on GPUs: Geometric Multigrid solvers, 23rd International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics (ParCFD`11), Wiley-Interscience, 2011 [Abstract] [BibTeX]
Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Göddeke, D.; Zajac, P.; Turek, S. Towards a complete FEM-based simulation toolkit on GPUs: Geometric multigrid solvers, Ergebnisberichte des Instituts für Angewandte Mathematik Nummer 422, Fakultät für Mathematik, TU Dortmund, 422, 2011 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Göddeke, D.; Zajac, P.; Turek, S. Towards a complete FEM-based simulation toolkit on GPUS: Unstructured Grid Finite Element Geometric Multigrid solvers with strong smoothers based on Sparse Approximate Inverses, Ergebnisberichte des Instituts für Angewandte Mathematik Nummer 434, Fakultät für Mathematik, TU Dortmund, 434, 2011 [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Göddeke, D.; Zajac, P.; Turek, S. Towards a complete FEM-based simulation toolkit on GPUS: Unstructured Grid Finite Element Geometric Multigrid solvers with strong smoothers based on Sparse Approximate Inverses, Comp. Fluids, 80, 327-332, doi: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2012.01.025, 2013 [BibTeX]
Göddeke, D.; Komatitsch, D.; Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Rajovic, N.; Puzovic, N.; Ramirez, A. Energy efficiency vs. performance of the numerical solution of PDEs: an application study on a low-power ARM-based cluster, Ergebnisberichte des Instituts für Angewandte Mathematik Nummer 462, Fakultät für Mathematik, TU Dortmund, 462, 2012 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Göddeke, D.; Komatitsch, D.; Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Rajovic, N.; Puzovic, N.; Ramirez, A. Energy efficiency vs. performance of the numerical solution of PDEs: an application study on a low-power ARM-based cluster, J. Comput. Phys., 237, 132-150, DOI 10.1016/j.jcp.2012.11.031, 2013 [BibTeX]
Venetis, I.; Goumas, G.; Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D. Porting FEASTFLOW to the Intel Xeon Phi: Lessons Learned, Ergebnisberichte des Instituts für Angewandte Mathematik Nummer 510, Fakultät für Mathematik, TU Dortmund, 510, 2015 [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D. FFF2: Future-proof High Performance Numerical Simulation for CFD with FEASTFLOW (2), Ergebnisberichte des Instituts für Angewandte Mathematik Nummer 512, Fakultät für Mathematik, TU Dortmund, 512, 2015 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M.; Reuter, B.; Aizinger, V.; Göddeke, D.; Turek, S. Energy efficiency of the simulation of three-dimensional coastal ocean circulation on modern commodity and mobile processors-A case study based on the Haswell and Cortex-A15 microarchitectures, LNCS, ISC'16, Computer Science-Research and Development, 1-10, Workshop on Energy-Aware HPC, Springer, doi = {10.1007/s00450-016-0324-5}, 2016 [BibTeX]
Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Donner, D.; Ruelmann, H.; Höppke, C.; Schneider, D.; Tomaschewski, D.; Turek, S. The ICARUS white paper: A scalable, energy-efficient, solar-powered HPC center based on low power GPUs, Desprez, F., Dutot, P., Kaklamanis, C., Marchal, L., Molitorisz, K., Ricci, L., Scarano, V., Vega-Rodriguez, M., Varbanescu, A., Hunold, S., Scott, S., Lankes, S., Weidendorfer, J., LNCS, Euro-Par'16, Euro-Par 2016: Parallel Processing Workshops: Euro-Par 2016 International Workshops, Grenoble, France, August 24-26, 2016, Revised Selected Papers, 737-749, Workshop on Unconventional HPC, Springer, isbn 978-3-319-58943-5; http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-58943-5_59, 2016 [BibTeX]
Bastian, P.; Engwer, C.; Fahlke, J.; Geveler, M.; Göddeke, D.; Iliev, O.; Ippisch, O.; Milk, R.; Mohring, J.; Müthing, S.; Ohlberger, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Turek, S. Advances Concerning Multiscale Methods and Uncertainty Quantification in EXA-DUNE, Bungartz, H., Neumann, P., Nagel, W., S. 25-43, Springer, Software for Exascale Computing-SPPEXA 2013-2015, 2016 [BibTeX]
Bastian, P.; Engwer, C.; Fahlke, J.; Geveler, M.; Göddeke, D.; Iliev, O.; Ippisch, O.; Milk, R.; Mohring, J.; Müthing, S.; Ohlberger, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Turek, S. Hardware-Based Efficiency Advances in the EXA-DUNE Project, Bungartz, H., Neumann, P., Nagel, W., 3-23, Springer, doi = 10.1007/978-3-319-40528-5_1, 2016 [BibTeX]
Geveler, M.; Turek, S. Fundamentals of a numerical cloud computing for applied sciences – Preparing cloud computing for Simulation-as-a-Service, European Commission Workshop on Cloud Computing Research Innovation Challenges for WP 2018-2020, -, http://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/events/cf/public-consultation-on-cloud-computing-research-innovation-challenges-for-wp-2018-2020/stream-items.cfm?id=3, 2016 [BibTeX]
Geveler, M.; Turek, S. How applied sciences can accelerate the energy revolution - A pleading for energy awareness in scientific computing, Ergebnisberichte des Instituts für Angewandte Mathematik Nummer 554, Fakultät für Mathematik, TU Dortmund, 554, 2017 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M.; Turek, S. Fundamentals of a numerical cloud computing for applied sciences - Preparing cloud computing for ``Simulation-as-a-Service``, Ergebnisberichte des Instituts für Angewandte Mathematik Nummer 555, Fakultät für Mathematik, TU Dortmund, 555, 2017 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M.; Turek, S. How applied sciences can accelerate the energy revolution-a pleading for energy awareness in scientific computing, Newsletter of the European Community on Computational Methods in Apllied Sciences, -, accepted, 2017 [BibTeX]
Ruelmann, H.; Geveler, M.; Turek, S. On the Prospects of Using Machine Learning for the Numerical Simulation of PDEs: Training Neural Networks to Assemble Approximate Inverses, Ergebnisberichte des Instituts für Angewandte Mathematik Nummer 581, Fakultät für Mathematik, TU Dortmund, 581, 2018 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Bastian, P.; Altenbernd, M.; Dreier, N.; Engwer, C.; Fahlke, J.; Fritze, R.; Geveler, M.; Göddeke, D.; Iliev, O.; Ippisch, O.; Mohring, J.; Müthing, S.; Ohlberger, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Shegunov, N.; Turek, S. Abschlussreport SPP EXA 2019: EXA-DUNE - Flexible PDE Solvers, Numerical Methods and Applications, Ergebnisberichte des Instituts für Angewandte Mathematik Nummer 614, Fakultät für Mathematik, TU Dortmund, 614, 2019 [BibTeX]
Ruelmann, H.; Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Zajac, P.; Turek, S. Basic Machine Learning Approaches for the Acceleration of PDE Simulations and Realization in the FEAT3 Software, Ergebnisberichte des Instituts für Angewandte Mathematik Nummer 618, Fakultät für Mathematik, TU Dortmund, 618, 2019 [BibTeX] [PDF]


Authors Title / Event / Year Download
Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D. A brief introduction to the (standard) Lattice-Boltzmann Method and the HONEI approach, , April 2009 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Göddeke, D.; Turek, S. Hardware oriented numerics for real-time CFD applications on parallel hardware architectures, Symposium CFD on Future Architectures - Many-Cores, GPUs, FPGAs, Oktober 2009 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Göddeke, D.; Turek, S. Lattice-Boltzmann Simulation of the Shallow-Water Equations with Fluid-Structure Interaction on Multi- and Many-core Processors, Multicore Challenge, März 2010 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Ribbrock, D.; Geveler, M.; Göddeke, D.; Turek, S. Performance and Accuracy of Lattice-Boltzmann Kernels on Multi- and Manycore Architectures, ICCS, Mai 2010 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M. Complex Shallow Water Simulations through Lattice-Boltzmann-based Mesoscopic Numerical Treatment Exploiting Hybrid Compute Nodes, SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences, März 2011, Long Beach [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Göddeke, D.; Zajac, P.; Turek, S. Efficient Finite Element Geometric Multigrid Solvers for Unstructured Grids on Graphics Processing Units, The Second International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering, April 2011, Ajaccio [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Göddeke, D.; Zajac, P.; Turek, S. Towards a complete FEM-based simulation toolkit on GPUs: Geometric Multigrid solvers, 23rd International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics (ParCFD`11), Barcelona, Mai 2011 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M. Hardwareorientierte Numerik für FEM-Frameworks, G2CG, 2012, 1st meeting of the German GPU Computing Group [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D. Advanced, hardware-oriented Shallow Water simulations based on the Lattice-Boltzmann Method, , 2012, CMWR12: Advances in Heterogeneous Computing for Water Resources Urbana-Champaign, June 20, 2012 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M. Total efficiency of core components in Finite Element frameworks, MAFELAP13: Large scale computing with applications, Juni 2013, London [BibTeX] [PDF]
Ribbrock, D.; Müthing, S.; Geveler, M.; Göddeke, D.; Turek, S.; Bastian, P. Integrating multi-threading and accelerators into DUNE-ISTL, Sparse Solvers for Exascale, März 2015 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M.; Turek, S.; Ribbrock, D. Realization of a low energy HPC platform powered by renewables - A case study: Technical, numerical and implementation aspects, PACO15: Workshop on Power Aware Computing, invited lecture, Max-Planck Institute for Dynamics of complex technical systems, Magdeburg, Juli 2015 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M.; Köhler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Saak, J.; Truschkewitz, G.; Benner, P.; Turek, S. Future Data Centers for Energy-Efficient Large Scale Numerical Simulations, 7th KoMSO Challenge Workshop, Heidelberg, Oktober 2015 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M. Performance engineering for hardware-, numerical and energy-efficiency in FEM frameworks: modeling and control - Hardware-oriented Numerics in the FEAT software family, Bath , 2016, Higher-order DG methods and finite element software for modern architectures, invited talk [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M.; Reuter, B.; Göddeke, D.; Aizinger, V.; Turek, S. Energy efficiency of the simulation of three-dimensional coastal ocean circulation on modern commodity and mobile processors, EnA-HPC, ISC, Frankfurt, Juni 2016 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Ruelmann, H.; Donner, D.; Höppke, C.; Schneider, D.; Tomaschewski, D.; Turek, S. The ICARUS white paper: A scalable, energy-efficient, solar-powered HPC center based on low power GPUs, UcHPC'16 at Euro-Par'16, Grenoble, Aug 2016 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M.; Turek, S. Fundamentals of a numerical cloud computing for applied sciences – Preparing cloud computing for 'Simulation as a Service', Cloud consultation workshop, Brüssel, November 2016, https://www.ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/consultation-cloud-computing-research-innovation-challenges-wp-2018-2020 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M. Mit Bastelrechnern gegen die Energiekrise -- Nachhaltiges (wissenschafliches) Rechnen mit einem selbstgebauten Solar-Rechenzentrum, , Mai 2017, Nerd Nite goes Science Night, Magdeburg [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M. Hardware / algorithm codesign for energy-efficient scientific computing, 2nd Conference on Power Aware Computing PACO17, Tegernsee, invited lecture, Juli 2017 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Ruelmann, H.; Geveler, M.; Turek, S. On the prospects of using machine learning for the numerical simulation of PDEs: Training neural networks to assemble approximate inverses, , Juni 2018 [Abstract] [BibTeX]
Geveler, M.; Ruelmann, H.; Turek, S. Machine Learning Approaches for the Acceleration of the Linear Solver in PDE Simulations, , April 2019, Workshop on Machine Learning Algorithms in Scientific Computing, Nottingham [BibTeX] [PDF]
Ruelmann, H.; Geveler, M.; Turek, S. Basic Machine Learning Approaches for the Acceleration of PDE Simulations, European Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications Conference (ENUMATH), Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, Oktober 2019 [BibTeX]
Geveler, M.; Turek, S.; Herken, T. Simulation-as-a-Service in the Loop -- Enhancing Rapid Prototyping of Complex Industrial Machines with Automatic Data Synthesis based on Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow and Machine Learning , CSAI 2021, Juni 2021, ECCOMAS thematic virtual conference on Computational Sciences and AI in industry, selected plenary lecture [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF]