

Prof. Dr. Susanne Prediger

Brief Curriculum Vitae and
Scientific Responsibilities



1990 - 1996 Undergraduate studies: Mathematics and History at the Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany) and Université Bordeaux I (France)
1998 PhD (Dissertation) in Mathematical Logic and Universal Algebra
1996-2002 Research assistant in the Mathematics Education Research Group in the
Department of Mathematics at Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany)
2002-06 Junior professor in Mathematics Education at University of Bremen
2004 Habilitation in Mathematics Education, University of Klagenfurt (Austria)
since 2006 Full Professor at the Institute for Development and Research in Mathematics Education (IEEM) at TU Dortmund University
(Head of the Institute 2012-2018, Vice-Dean of the Faculty for Mathematics 2008-12, since 2021 with a half-time position)
since 2021

Director of the DZLM (German Center for Mathematics Teacher Education) at IPN Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (DZLM network member since 2011, board member since 2016, vice-director since 2017, since 2021 at TIPN with a half-time position)

 Awards for Research, Teaching and Transfer activities


Polytechnik Award for the best innovative teaching approach for dealing with diversity: Language-responsive mathematics teaching program and its transfer in a PD program (awarded with 50.000 € by the Polytechnic Society)


Award for "Mathewerkstatt" as Textbook of the year (edited by Barzel, Hußmann, Leuders, Prediger)

2014 Award for Best Teacher Education "Förderpreis Lehrerausbildung Ruhr" for innovative approaches in the Master of Education
2005 Berninghausen-Award for Excellent Teaching and its Innovation at University of Bremen
2001 Scientific Award for Excellent Research at University of Darmstadt


National and International Scientific Responsibilities

continuously Editorial Boards: ZDM – Mathematics Education (since 2017), Educational Studies in Mathematics (2015-2019, then editor), Didacta Mathematicae (2012-2018), Journal für Mathematikdidaktik (2004-2019)

Member of ICMI Executive Committee (International Committee on Mathematical Instruction, World Organization for Mathematics Education)

since 2019 Editor of Educational Studies in Mathematics (2019-2021 Associate Editor, 2021-2024 Co-Editor-in-Chief with David Wagner)
since 2019 Editor of the international journal RISTAL - Research in Subject-matter Teaching and Learning
2017-2021 President of ERME: European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (Board Member 2011-2021, Vice-President 2013-2017)
since 2020 Member of the review board of the German Research Foundation (DFG-Fachkollegium)

Advisory Board for the National Research Priority Program on Educational Research
of the National Ministry for Education and Research


Head of the Graduate School FUNKEN - Interdisciplinary Graduate School for Didactical Design Research on subject matter teaching and learning processes (Speaker of Heads 2010-15)

2012-16 Member of the International Program Committee of ICME-13 - International Congress on Mathematical Education 2016

Advisory Board of the Strategic Research Project "Logic and philosophy of mathematical practices" (Jean Paul Van Bendegem & Bart van Kerkhove, Brussels, Belgium)


Chair of the joint Commission for Teacher Education of GDM, DMV and MNU
(three national associations for mathematics education and mathematics)


Member of the Program Committee for CERME 6 and 7

2004-10 Jury  for the German Award for Mathematics Education Research of the Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik (Chair 2007-10)
2001-10, 15-21

Member of the Advisory Board of the Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik

since 2010 Reviewer for several research foundations (Israel Science Foundation, BMWF Austria, Switzerland's Nationalfonds, Bijzonder OnderzoeksFonds Belgium, DFG Germany, National Research Foundation South Africa, Irish Research Council, Luxembourg National Research Fund)
since 2007 Reviewer for 27 appointment or tenure procedures (in Germany, Sweden, Cyprus, US, UK, Israel, Switzerland, Norway, and others)

since 2005

Reviewer for International journals in

Mathematics Education Research: Educational Studies in Mathematics (ESM), ZDM Mathematics Education (ZDM), Journal for Mathematics Teacher Education (JMTE), International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education (IJSME), Journal für Mathematikdidaktik (JMD), Journal of Mathematical Behavior (JMB), Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (JRME), Mathematical Thinking and Learning (MTL), Montana Enthusiast (ME), Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (Eurasia)

Educational Sciences and Psychology: Learning and Instruction (JLI), Psychological Bulletin (PsyBull), Teaching and Teacher Education (TATE), Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht (PEU), Research in Mathematics Education (RME), Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft (ZfE), Beiträge zur Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung (BzL), Studies in Educational Evaluation (SEE), Journal of Educational Psychology (JEP), Zeitschrift für Pädagogik (ZfPäd), Cognition and Instruction (C&I)

Language Education: International Journal of Multilingualism (IJM)


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Impressum und Datenschutzerklärung: http://www.mathematik.tu-dortmund.de/de/index/impressum.html

Erklärung zur Barrierefreiheit: http://www.mathematik.tu-dortmund.de/de/index/barrierefreiheit.html