Rudolf Scharlau
This is my complete list of refereed mathematical publications (journals, proceedings, books); for preprints and similar material see my page Research .
- Well-rounded sublattices of planar lattices
Acta Arithmetica 166 (4), 301-334 (2014).- Preprint 2013
- Authors: Baake, Michael; Scharlau, Rudolf; Zeiner, Peter
- Preprint 2013
- The extremal lattice of dimension 14, level 7 and
its genus
W.K. Chan et al. (eds.), Diophantine Methods, Lattices, and Arithmetic Theory of Quadratic Forms,
Contemporary Math. 587, 167 - 184 (2013). - Preprint August 2012
(text identical with publication)
- Similar Sublattices of Planar Lattices
Canadian J. of Math. 63 (6), 1220-1239 (2011).- Canadian
J. of Math. 2011, Online first
- Preprint 2009
arXiv:0908.2558v1 [math.MG]
- Authors: Baake, Michael; Scharlau, Rudolf; Zeiner, Peter
- Canadian
J. of Math. 2011, Online first
- Martin Kneser's Work on Quadratic Forms and
Algebraic Groups
in: R. Baeza et al. (eds.), Quadratic Forms - Algebra, Arithmetic, and Geometry,
Contemporary Math. 493, 339 - 358 (2009). - Preprint
2009 (text identical with publication)
- Unimodular lattices in dimensions 14 and 15 over the
Eisenstein integers
Math. of Comput. 78, No. 265, 397- 403 (2009).- Preprint 2007 arXiv:0710.3664v1 [math.NT]
- Authors: Abdukhalikov, Kanat; Scharlau, Rudolf
- A weak multiplicity-one theorem for Siegel modular
Pac. J. Math. 211, No. 2, 369 - 374 (2003).
- Quadratische Formen. Neu bearbeitet und
herausgegeben in Zusammenarbeit mit Rudolf Scharlau.
Berlin: Springer. viii, 164 p. (2002).
- Theta series of modular, extremal, and Hermitian
Kim, Myung-Hwan (ed.) et al., Integral quadratic forms and lattices. Proceedings of the international conference on integral quadratic forms and lattices, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, June 15-19, 1998. Dedicated to the memory of Dennis Ray Estes. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. Contemp. Math. 249, 221-233 (1999). - Extremal lattices.
Matzat, B. Heinrich (ed.) et al., Algorithmic algebra and number theory. Selected papers from a conference, Heidelberg, Germany, October 1997. Berlin: Springer. 139-170 (1999).
- Symplectic group lattices.
Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 351, No.5, 2101-2139 (1999).
- Classification of integral lattices with large class
Math. Comput. 67, No.222, 737-749 (1998).
- Symplectic groups, symplectic spreads, codes, and
J. Algebra 194, No.1, 113-156 (1997). - Reflective integral lattices.
J. Algebra 181, No.3, 934-961 (1996).
- Computations of cyclotomic lattices.
Exp. Math. 4, No.3, 175-179 (1995).
- Buildings.
Buekenhout, Francis (ed.), Handbook of incidence geometry: buildings and foundations. Amsterdam: North-Holland. 477-645 (1995).
- The genus of the Barnes-Wall lattice.
Comment. Math. Helv. 69, No.2, 322-333 (1994).
- Unimodular lattices over real quadratic fields.
Math. Z. 216, No.3, 437-452 (1994).
- Integral lattices and hyperbolic reflection groups.
Coray, Daniel (ed.) et al., Journéees arithmétiques. Exposés présentés aux dix-septièemes congrèes èa Genèeve, Suisse, 9-13 septembre 1991. Paris: Société Mathématique de France, Astérisque. 209, 279-291 (1992).
- Geometrical realizations of shadow geometries.
Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., III. Ser. 61, No.3, 615-656 (1990).
- Gated sets in metric spaces.
Aequationes Math. 34, 112-120 (1987).
- A structure theorem for weak buildings of spherical
Geom. Dedicata 24, 77-84 (1987).
- The 37 combinatorial types of minimal,
equivariant tilings of the Euclidean plane.
Discrete Math. 60, 121-138 (1986).
- A characterization of Tits buildings by metrical
J. Lond. Math. Soc., II. Ser. 32, 317-327 (1985).
- Metrical shellings of simplicial complexes.
Eur. J. Comb. 6, 265-269 (1985).
- Zur Klassifikation äquivarianter
Pflasterungen. (Classification of equivariant
Coxeter Festschrift II, Mitt. Math. Semin. Gießen 164, 83-136 (1984).
- Indecomposable totally positive numbers in real
J. Number Theory 14, 292-306 (1982).
- An (almost trivial) local-global principle for the
representation of -1 as a sum of squares in an arbitrary
Contemp. Math. 8, 99-106 (1982). - Zur Klassifikation von Bilinearformen und von
Isometrien über
Math. Z. 178, 359-373 (1981).
- The fundamental unit in quadratic extensions of
quadratic fields.
Arch. Math. 34, 534-537 (1980).
- On the Pythagoras number of orders in totally real
J. Reine Angew. Math. 316, 208-210 (1980).
- Darstellbarkeit von ganzen Zahlen durch Quadratsummen
einigen totalreellen Zahlkörpern.
Math. Ann. 249, 49-54 (1980).
- Zur Darstellbarkeit von totalreellen ganzen
Zahlen durch Summen von Quadraten. Dissertation.
Fakultät für Mathematik der Universität Bielefeld. 157 S. (1979).
- A note on finitely generated torsion-free nilpotent
groups of
class 2.
J. Algebra 58, 162-175 (1979).
- Quadratische Formen in additiven Kategorien.
Bull. Soc. Math. Fr., Suppl., Mém. 48 (Colloq. Formes quadratiques, Montpellier 1975), 93-101 (1976).