Research interests

  • Quadratic and bilinear forms over fields of arbitrary characteristic
  • Differential forms, Milnor K-Theory and their connection to quadratic and bilinear forms over fields of characteristic two.
  • The behaviour of quadratic, bilinear and differential forms under field extensions.

List of publications

Jahr Titel Veröffentlichungsort
2023 Function field extensions and annihilators of differential forms in characteristic p and bilinear forms in characteristic 2 Preprint, see ArXiv
2021 Annihilators of differential forms over over fields of characteristic p Accepted by Journal of Algebra
2018 The behaviour of differential, quadratic and bilinear forms under purely inseparable field extensions Journal of Algebra
2017 Das Verhalten von Differentialformen, bilinearen Formen und quadratischen Formen unter rein inseparablen Körpererweiterungen sowie unter mehrfachen Funktionenkörpererweiterungen von p-Formen (Dissertation) (The behaviour of differential, quadratic and bilinear forms under purely inseparable field extensions as well as under iterated function field extensions of p-forms) TU Dortmund
2015 Witt kernels and Brauer kernels for quartic extensions in characteristic two Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
2013 Der Wittkern einer separablen Körpererweiterung vom Grad vier von quadratischen Formen über Körpern der Charakteristik zwei (Masterarbeit) (The quadratic Witt Kernel of a separable extension of degree four over fields of characteristic two) TU Dortmund

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