Group picture with members of the IEEM from 2013
At the Institute for Development and Research in Mathematics Education (IEEM), the design of learning environments and the empirical investigation of conditions and means is considered as a core task for improving and understanding learning processes. The central outcome of the research and development are domain-specific local instruction theories and conceptions for mathematics classrooms in all grades (mathematics education as design science). Among them is the research into:
IEEM professionalizes prospective and practicing teachers of all types of school consistently, recipient-related and with practical orientation. Especially for primary, lower secondary and special education schools, the preservice teacher education programme is composed in a balanced and well-matched mixture of elementary mathematical and didactical courses with intensive active participation despite the high numbers of students. Contents and pedagogy of the courses allow desirable learning experiences and the formation of professional knowledge on elementary mathematics, didactics and methods for teching.
The results of research and development are regularly integrated in inservice training courses in professional development programs, teacher conferences and working groups.
Other focus areas of work are …