
TU Dortmund



Institut für Entwicklung und Erfoschung des Mathematikunterrichts



At the Institute for Development and Research in Mathematics Education (IEEM), the design of learning environments and the empirical investigation of conditions and means is considered as a core task for improving and understanding learning processes. The central outcome of the research and development are domain-specific local instruction theories and conceptions for mathematics classrooms in all grades.

In doing so, the IEEM works in the paradigm of mathematics education as a design science as developed at the institute by the emeriti Prof. Wittmann and Prof. Müller and called into being within the scope of the project mathe 2000, which started in 1987. The core of mathematics education as a design science requires constructive didactic design work, developmental research and reconstructive empirical research into the specialties, requirements and structures of (case-related) teaching and learning processes. The background of both focus areas is the (elementary-) mathematical reconstruction of possible educational contents as well as taking account of the knowledge and work methods of neighboring disciplines like, for example, education, psychology, sociology, and philosophy. Development and research regarding mathematics teaching and learning is based on the basic assumption that individual teaching and learning processes are always closely related to their social context. That is why the development and research at the Institute is informed by constructivist approaches as well as by interactionist approaches emphasizing the importance of communication for the development of mathematical knowledge.

The intertwinement of constructive design, empirical research and theory development is reflected in the different projects of the institute and finds its expression in the

  • research into learning requirements and processes regarding specific mathematical contents of the different grades as well as process-oriented competences and their individual specialties and dynamic interactive development processes in class.
  • research on the professionalization of preservice and inservice mathematics teachers in the context of their education, and the development of resources for support
  • development of substantial learning environments under the changing social circumstances and the research into their effects on teaching and learning processes.
  • conception and evaluation of local mathe-didactical theories.
Thus, the research activities combine content-related theoretical conceptions with practical teaching examples. At the same time they are oriented towards improving everyday teaching. Research at the institute comprises three focus areas which are closely related to each other and which guarantee a comprehensive consideration of mathematics teaching and learning.

Basics of Learning and Teaching of Mathematics

Here the interdisciplinary basics of didactics of mathematics and its theoretical foundations are developed with a special focus on fundamental ideas in mathematics, the individual conceptions of students and the mathematical contents that are to be invented as well as interactively discussed. On this basis, the structures of teaching, learning and communication processes are empirically examined. This guarantees a comprehensive investigation and development of comprehensive approaches for mathematics teaching and learning.

Mathematics Education for Particular Grades

Here the focus area is the design of domain-specific conceptions and representative learning environments for teaching and learning processes in the particular grades and the particular transitions from primary school to lower secondary school or from lower secondary school to upper secondary school:

  • Mathematics education for primary education: classes 1 – 4
  • Mathematics education for lower secondary education: classes 5 – 10
  • Mathematics education for upper secondary education: classes 10 – 13

Teacher Education

The design research at IEEM effects teacher education in multiple ways: The basic programmatic idea is to prepare prospective and practicing teachers as professionals for initiating, supporting, analyzing and reflecting processes of mathematics learning. These processes of professionalization are on the one hand based on the results of the institute’s development and research for mathematics classrooms, they are on the other hand themselves object of design research on teacher education. The design research has a substantial part of development for preservice and inservice courses, these developments are empirically investigated with regards to their effects.