Members of the Doctoral Committee
- Prof. Dr. Joachim Stöckler (Chairman)
- Prof. Dr. Stephan Hußmann (Vice-chairman)
- Prof. Dr. Christoph Buchheim
- Prof. Dr. Detlev Hoffmann
- Dr. Christoph Lohmann
- Dr. Anna-Katharina Roos
- prom.stud. Alexandra Grütering
Deputy Members of the Doctoral Committee
Prof. Dr. Ben Schweizer, Prof. Dr. Karl Friedrich Siburg, Prof. Dr. Jeannette Woerner, Dr. Raja Herold-Blasius, Dr. Albrecht Seelmann, prom.stud. Dorothee Henke, prom.stud. Maximilian Sperber
General Information
- To start a PhD at the faculty of Mathematics, Technische Universität Dortmund, two things are required: First, the commitment of a Professor of the faculty to supervise the work, and second, the formal approval by the doctoral committee of the faculty. Apart from the preparation, submission and assessment of the doctoral thesis (dissertation) and the final oral examination (defence), the doctoral process comprises a so called “Structured Doctoral Program”, which involves further requirements that must be satisfied (see §9 of the doctoral regulations or the table below). The doctoral candidates are enrolled students at TU Dortmund.
- Details of all procedural steps, in particular the exact admission requirements are set out in the doctoral regulations (Promotionsordnung) that are in force since 01.12.2013.
- After providing all the required credentials / documentation, the application for admission should be immediately submitted to the doctoral committee; without the approval of the doctoral committee the enrollment cannot take place. The above mentioned commitment of advisor should be attached to the application before submission. See the sample letters below.
The formal standard requirements for admission to the PhD programme in Mathematics (Dr.rer.nat.) are a master’s degree or diploma in mathematics from a German university. For all applicants with other degrees, there will be a case by case evaluation whether or not the academic requirements are met as part of the approval process (see §§4-6 of the doctoral regulations). This applies in particular to all the applicants with foreign degrees. Under certain circumstances, doctoral preparatory studies are then required before final approval. The details shall be governed and communicated by the doctoral committee individually as part of the approval process.
The necessary requirements for the Structured Doctoral Program in accordance with § 9 (3) and § 25 (3) of the doctoral regulations are as follows:
When submitting the thesis you need 6 CR for three annual reports (§ 9 (3) 1), at least 6 CR for (further) PhD related studies/achievements (Section 9 (3) 2), at least 6 CR for further scientific studies (§ 9 (3) 3), and 30 CR in total.
- The annual report should be of one page and should summarize the topics / research questions worked on and the results achieved. Other information such as lectures, conference participation, publications etc. can also be mentioned, however they do not constitute a report on their own. The reporting period is typically the academic year from beginning of October to the end of September of the following year, submission of the report is by the end of the calendar year. Depending on the start date of the PhD, the period can be shifted by half a year. The report shall be signed by the doctoral student, countersigned by the supervisor, and submitted to the doctoral committee for the records.
Sample letters, forms (in German)
Regulations, other documents
- Doctoral Regulations of 26.11.2013, effective from 01.12.2013 Promotionsordnung vom 26.11.2013, gültig ab 01.12.2013
- Enrollment procedure: Email circular from administration on 15 May, 2014 Einschreibungsmodalitäten: Rundmail der Verwaltung vom 15. Mai 2014
- Higher education act NRW from 31.10.2006, stand 23.10.2013 Hochschulgesetz NRW vom 31.10.2006, Stand 23.10.2013
Joachim Stöckler, Chairman of the Promotionsausschuss (Doctoral committee) of the Department