

TU Dortmund






TU Dortmund
Faculty of Mathematics — Chair III of Applied Mathematics
Vogelpothsweg 87
44227 Dortmund
Phone: +49-(0)231-755-3076
Fax: +49-(0)231-755-5933

Dr. Christian Becker

Dr. Christian Becker
RoomM 1051
Telephone(0231) 755-5934
Telefax(0231) 755-5933

Curriculum Vitae

1984 - 1991 Eichsfeld Grammar school, Final exams: A level
1991 - 1996 Study of Computer Science, University of Hildesheim, Diploma
1996 - 2001 Research Assistant, University of Heildelberg, SFB359
since 2001 Research Assistant, University of Dortmund
2007 PhD, University of Dortmund

Research Interests

  • Finite Element Methods
  • Parallelization
  • High Performance Computing
  • Cluster Computing
  • Scientific Visualization


Authors Title / Event / Year Download
Becker, C. Peano-Stoppregeln zur Approximation linearer Funktionale, 1996 [BibTeX]

FEAST project

Altieri, M.; Becker, C.; Turek, S. On the realistic performance of linear algebra components in iterative solvers, Bungartz, H., Durst, F., Zenger, C., Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering: Proceedings of the International FORTWIHR Conference on HPSEC, Munich, 1998, 8, 3-12, High Performance Scientific and Engineering Computing, Springer, ISBN 3-540-65730-4, 1999 [BibTeX]
Altieri, M.; Becker, C.; Kilian, S.; Oswald, H.; Turek, S.; Wallis, J. Some basic concepts of FEAST, Preprints SFB 359 Nummer 98--28, Universität Heidelberg, 98--28, 1998 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Turek, S.; Altieri, M.; Becker, C.; Kilian, S.; Oswald, H.; Wallis, J. Some basic concepts of FEAST, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, Proc. 14th GAMM Seminar ``Concepts of Numerical Software``, Vieweg, 1998 [BibTeX]
Altieri, M.; Becker, C.; Turek, S. On the realistic performance of certain linear algebra components in iterative solvers, Preprints SFB 359 Nummer 98--31, Universität Heidelberg, 98--31, 1998 [BibTeX]
Turek, S.; Becker, C.; Kilian, S. Some concepts of the software package FEAST, Palma, J., Dongarra, J., Hernandes, V., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1573, 271-284, Vector and Parallel Processing -- VECPAR 1998, Springer, doi:10.1007/10703040_22, 1999 [BibTeX]
Becker, C.; Kilian, S.; Turek, S. Consequences of modern hardware design for numerical simulations and their realization in FEAST, Amestoy, P., Berger, P., Dayde, M., Duff, I., Fraysse, V., Giraud, L., Ruiz, D., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 643-650, Euro-Par 1999 Parallel Processing, Springer, Toulouse, France, 1999, doi: 10.1007/3-540-48311-x_90, 1999 [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF]
Becker, C.; Runge, A.; Turek, S. The FEAST INDICES - Realistic evaluation of modern software components and processor technologies, Preprints SFB 359 Nummer 99--17, Universität Heidelberg, 99--17, 1999 [BibTeX]
Altieri, M.; Becker, C.; Turek, S. Proposal for SPARSE BANDED BLAS techniques, Preprints SFB 359 Nummer 99--11, Universität Heidelberg, 99--11, 1999 [BibTeX]
Becker, C.; Runge, A.; Turek, S. Performance rating via the FEAST INDICES, Preprints SFB 359 Nummer 99--09, Universität Heidelberg, 99--09, 1999 [BibTeX]
Turek, S.; Runge, A.; Becker, C. Performance rating via the FEAST indices, Computing, 63, 3, 283-297, doi: 10.1007/s006070050035, 1999 [BibTeX]
Turek, S.; Runge, A.; Becker, C. The FEAST indices--realistic evaluation of modern software components and processor technologies, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 41, 10, 1431-1464, doi: 10.1016/s0898-1221(01)00108-0, 2001 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Becker, C.; Buijssen, S.; Kilian, S.; Turek, S. High Performance FEM simulation via FEAST and application to parallel CFD via FEATFLOW, Rollnik, H., Wolf, D., NIC-Serie, 9, 493-502, NIC Symposium 2001, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Forschungszentrum Jülich, 2001, 2002 [BibTeX]
Turek, S.; Becker, C.; Kilian, S. Hardware-oriented numerics and concepts for PDE software, Ergebnisberichte des Instituts für Angewandte Mathematik Nummer 235, Fakultät für Mathematik, TU Dortmund, 235, to be published in a special issue on PDE Software in the Elsevier journal Future Generation Computer Systems, 2003 [BibTeX]

DeViSoR project

Becker, C.; Turek, S.; Waguet, C.; FEAST Group, . Application of DEVISORGRID 1.0 in the FEATFLOW software, Preprints SFB 359 Nummer 98--53, Universität Heidelberg, 98--53, 1998 [BibTeX]
Becker, C.; Göddeke, D. DeViSoR Grid, 2002 [BibTeX]
PG DeViSoR, . Endbericht der Projektgruppe DeViSoR, Ergebnisberichte des Instituts für Angewandte Mathematik Nummer 240T, Fakultät für Mathematik, TU Dortmund, 240T, 2003 [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF]

FeatFlow project

Turek, S.; Becker, C.; Oswald, H. Parallel multilevel algorithms for solving the incompressible Navier--Stokes equations, Proceedings of the High Performance Workshop at the HLRZ Stuttgart, nn, 1998 [BibTeX]
Becker, C.; Turek, S. FEATFLOW -- Finite element software for the incompressible Navier--Stokes equations, User Manual, 1999 [BibTeX]
Becker, C.; Rannacher, R.; Turek, S. An efficient Navier--Stokes solver for automotive aerodynamics, Ergebnisberichte des Instituts für Angewandte Mathematik Nummer 191, Fakultät für Mathematik, TU Dortmund, 191, 2000 [BibTeX]
Becker, C.; Turek, S.; Rannacher, R. An Efficient Navier-Stokes Solver for Automotive Aerodynamics, Hoffmann, K., Mathematik Schlüsseltechnologie für die Zukunft, nn, 2001 [BibTeX]


Authors Title / Event / Year Download
Becker, C. FEAST - Finite Element & Solution Tools, Chemnitzer FEM-Symposion, September 1998, Chemnitz, Germany [BibTeX] [PDF]
Becker, C.; Kilian, S.; Turek, S. Some concepts of the software package FEAST, Vector and Parallel Processing - VECPAR98, Juni 1998, Porto, Portugal [BibTeX] [PDF]
Becker, C.; Kilian, S.; Turek, S. Consequences of modern hardware design for numerical simulation and their realization in FEAST, EuroPar99 Parallel Processing, Aug 1999, Toulouse, France [BibTeX] [PDF]
Becker, C.; Kilian, S.; Turek, S. Experiences with the High Performance FEM package FEAST, International FORTWIHR conference, März 2001, Erlangen, Germany [BibTeX] [PDF]
Becker, C. FEAST: The Future, Featflow Springschool, März 2002 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Becker, C. Hardware-oriented numerics and the FEAST framework, Workshop: Supercomputers on a chip GPUs as Mathematical Coprocessors in Finite-Element-Simulations, April 2005 [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF]