Welcome to the FEATFLOW Homepage

This Homepage presents the background, aims, concepts, papers, projects, tools and currently available software by the FEATFLOW/FEAST team:

  • FEAT2D/FEAT3D: the "older" basic progam packages, which contain all necessary FEM ingredients for the numerical solution of partial differential equations by the finite element method. They are written in F77 and are the basis of the current FEATFLOW software releases.
  • FEAST: the improved successor package in F90/F77. See the current state of the project.
  • FEATFLOW: our solver package for incompressible flow in 2D and 3D .
  • "The Virtual Album of Fluid Motion": our `CFD data basis' containing the numerous results - as MPEG videos - of former and recent FEATFLOW projects for the numerical study of stationary and particularly nonstationary flows in two and three space dimensions.
  • Our CD-ROM: which contains the complete software and documentation as well as parts of the `Virtual Album'.

All software including detailed documentation and examples of the "The Virtual Album of Fluid Motion" is freely available!!!

If you have suggestions for modifications and improvements, or if you have a problem that could be performed by our software, please do contact us! Interesting projects and motivated fellows are always welcome.