

TU Dortmund






TU Dortmund
Faculty of Mathematics — Chair III of Applied Mathematics
Vogelpothsweg 87
44227 Dortmund
Phone: +49-(0)231-755-3076
Fax: +49-(0)231-755-5933

Prof. Dr. Dmitri Kuzmin

Prof. Dr. Dmitri Kuzmin
RoomM 1037
(0231) 755-3076 (Sekretariat)
Telefax(0231) 755-5933

Research Interests

  • Implicit high-resolution schemes
  • Convection-dominated transport
  • Navier-Stokes and Euler equations
  • Multiphase flows (gas-liquid)
  • Free and moving boundaries




Authors Title / Event / Year Download


Kuzmin, D.; Löhner, R.; Turek, S. Flux-Corrected Transport, Scientific Computation, Springer, Subtitle: Principles, Algorithms and Applications, 3-540-23730-5, 2005 [BibTeX]
Kuzmin, D. Positive Finite Element Schemes Based on the Flux-Corrected Transport Procedure, Bathe, K., Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Elsevier, 887-888, 2001 [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF]

Book chapters

Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. Finite element discretization tools for gas-liquid flows, Sommerfeld, M., Heat and Mass Transfer, VIII, 191-201, Bubbly Flows - Analysis, Modelling and Calculation, Springer, ISBN: 3-540-40791-X, 2004 [BibTeX]

Journal articles

Strehl, R.; Sokolov, A.; Kuzmin, D.; Horstmann, D.; Turek, S. A positivity-preserving finite element method for chemotaxis problems in 3D , J. Comp. Appl. Math., 239, 290-303, 2012 [BibTeX]
Möller, M.; Kuzmin, D.; Kourounis, D. Implicit FEM-FCT algorithms and discrete Newton methods for transient convection problems, Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids, 57, 7, 761-792, 2008 [Abstract] [BibTeX]
Bayraktar, E.; Mierka, O.; Platte, F.; Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. Numerical Aspects and Implementation of Population Balance Equations Coupled with Turbulent Fluid Dynamics, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 35, 2204-2217 , DOI information: 10.1016/j.compchemeng.2011.04.001 , 2008 [Abstract] [BibTeX]
Kuzmin, D.; Mierka, O.; Turek, S. On the implementation of the k-epsilon turbulence model in incompressible flow solvers based on a finite element discretization , IJCSM, 2/3/4, 193-206, 2007 [BibTeX]
Hysing, S.; Turek, S.; Kuzmin, D.; Parolini, N.; Burman, E.; Ganesan, S.; Tobiska, L. Quantitative benchmark computations of two-dimensional bubble dynamics, Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids, 60, 11, 1259-1288, doi: 10.1002/fld.1934, 2009 [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF]
Möller, M.; Kuzmin, D. Adaptive mesh refinement for high-resolution finite element schemes, Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids, Volume+52%2C+Number+5, 545-569, ISSN 0271-2091, 2006 [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF]
Möller, M.; Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. Implicit finite element discretizations based on the flux-corrected transport algorithm, Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids, 47, 10--11, 1197-1203, 2005 [Abstract] [BibTeX]
Platte, F.; Kuzmin, D.; Fredebeul, C.; Turek, S. Novel simulation approaches for cyclic steady-state fixed-bed processes exhibiting sharp fronts and shocks, International Series of Numerical Mathematics, 151, 207-223, Trends and Applications in Constructive Approximation, editors, M. G. de Bruin, D. H. Mache & J. Szabados, Birkhäuser Verlag Basel/Switzerland, 2005 [BibTeX]
Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. High-resolution FEM-TVD schemes based on a fully multidimensional flux limiter, J. Comput. Phys., 198, 131-158, 2004 [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF]
Kuzmin, D.; Möller, M.; Turek, S. High-resolution FEM-FCT schemes for multidimensional conservation laws , Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng., 193, 45--47, 4915-4946, 2004 [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF]
Kuzmin, D.; Möller, M.; Turek, S. Multidimensional FEM-FCT schemes for arbitrary time-stepping, Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids, 42, 3, 265-295, 2003 [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF]
Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. Flux correction tools for finite elements, J. Comput. Phys., 175, 2, 525-558, 2002 [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF]
Kuzmin, D. Positive Finite Element Schemes Based on the Flux-Corrected Transport Procedure, Bathe, K., Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Elsevier, 887-888, 2001 [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF]
Smolianski, A.; Kuzmin, D. Multilayer Taylor-Galerkin Schemes for Convection Problems, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 46, 5, 659-670, 1999 [BibTeX]


Kuzmin, D. Numerical Simulation of Reactive Bubbly Flows, Jyväskylä Studies in Computing 2, 1999 [BibTeX]

Conference proceedings

Kuzmin, D.; Möller, M. On the use of slope limiters for the design of recovery based error indicators, Wesseling, P., Onate, E., Periaux, J., 313, Books of Abstracts European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, nn, Eccomas CFD 2006, 2006 [BibTeX]
Kuzmin, D. Algebraic Flux Correction for Finite Element Approximation of Transport Equations, 345 - 353, Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications Enumath 2005, Springer, ISBN-10 3-540-34287-7, 2006 [BibTeX]
Möller, M.; Kuzmin, D. On the use of slope limiters for the design of recovery based error indicators, 233-240, Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Springer, Enumath 2006, 2006 [BibTeX]
Henning, L.; Kuzmin, D.; Mehrmann, V.; Schmidt, M.; Sokolov, A.; Turek, S. Flow control on the basis of a FEATFLOW-MATLAB coupling, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design (NNFM), Springer, 1st Active Flow Control Conference AFC 2006, Berlin, 2006 [BibTeX]
Kuzmin, D.; Möller, M.; Turek, S. Implicit flux-corrected transport algorithm for finite element simulation of the compressible Euler equations, Glowinski, R., Krizek, M., Neittaanmäki, P., 325-354, Conjugate Gradient Algorithms and Finite Element Methods, Springer, Jyväskylä, Finland, 2002 (ISBN-Nr. 3-540-21319-8), 2004 [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF]
Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. Multidimensional FEM-TVD paradigm for convection-dominated flows, II, Proceedings of the IV European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), nn, ISBN 951-39-1869-6, 2004 [BibTeX]
Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. Finite element discretization and iterative solution techniques for multiphase flows in gas-liquid reactors, Glowinski, R., Krizek, M., Neittaanmäki, P., 297-324, Conjugate Gradient Algorithms and Finite Element Methods, Springer, Jyväskylä, Finland, 2002; (ISBN-Nr. 3-540-21319-8), 2004 [BibTeX]
Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. Numerical simulation of turbulent bubbly flows, Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Two-Phase Flow Modeling and Experimentation, nn, Pisa, 2004, 2004 [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF]
Möller, M.; Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. Implicit FEM-FCT algorithm for compressible flows, Feistauer, M., Dolejsi, V., Knobloch, P., Najzar, K., Proceedings of ENUMATH 2003, 641-650, Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Springer, ISBN-Nr. 3-540-21460-7, 2003 [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF]
Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. Explicit and implicit High-Resolution finite element schemes based on the flux-corrected-transport algorithm, Brezzi, F., 133-143, Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Springer, 2003 [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF]
Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. Efficient numerical techniques for flow simulation in bubble column reactor, VDI/GVC, 99-104, Preprints of the 5th German-Japanese Symposium on Bubble Columns, VDI-Verlag, 2000 [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF]
Kuzmin, D. The Free-Lagrange FEM for Problems in Time-Dependent Domains, Neittaanmäki, P., Rivkind, L., Reports of the Department of Mathematical Information Technology A 2, 115-125, Proceedings of Analysis and Appproximation of Boundary Value Problems, 2000 [BibTeX]
Kuzmin, D. Numerical Simulation of Mass Transfer and Chemical Reactions in Gas-Liquid Flows, World Scientific, 237-244, Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, 2000 [BibTeX]

Recent preprints

Kuzmin, D.; Shashkov, M.; Svyatskiy, D. A constrained finite element method satisfying the discrete maximum principle for anisotropic diffusion problems on arbitrary meshes, Ergebnisberichte des Instituts für Angewandte Mathematik Nummer 373, Fakultät für Mathematik, TU Dortmund, 373, 2008 [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF]
Kuzmin, D. Explicit and implicit FEM-FCT algorithms with flux linearization, Ergebnisberichte des Instituts für Angewandte Mathematik Nummer 358, Fakultät für Mathematik, TU Dortmund, 358, 2008 [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF]
Tillmann, W.; Vogli, E.; Abdulgader, M.; Gurris, M.; Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. Particle trajectories by arc spraying with cored wires, Ergebnisberichte des Instituts für Angewandte Mathematik Nummer 363, Fakultät für Mathematik, TU Dortmund, 363, 2008 [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF]
Kuzmin, D. On the design of higher-order FEM satisfying the discrete maximum principle, Ergebnisberichte des Instituts für Angewandte Mathematik Nummer 341, Fakultät für Mathematik, TU Dortmund, 341, 2007 [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF]