

TU Dortmund






TU Dortmund
Faculty of Mathematics — Chair III of Applied Mathematics
Vogelpothsweg 87
44227 Dortmund
Phone: +49-(0)231-755-3076
Fax: +49-(0)231-755-5933

Dipl.-Inf. Dirk Ribbrock

Dipl.-Inf. Dirk Ribbrock
RoomM 1029
Telephone(0231) 755-7866
Telefax(0231) 755-5933

Curriculum Vitae

2010 Dipl. Inf. TU Dortmund


  • Development of the FEAT3 package, in particular for MPI, GPU and multicore
  • MRB

Research Interests

  • Realtime simulation of flows with the lattice-boltzmann method (LBM)
  • FEM on multi- and manycore architectures


Authors Title / Event / Year Download
van Dyk, D.; Geveler, M.; Mallach, S.; Ribbrock, D.; Göddeke, D.; Gutwenger, C. HONEI: A collection of libraries for numerical computations targeting multiple processor architectures, Computer Physics Communications, 180, 12, 2534-2543, DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2009.04.018, 2009 [Abstract] [BibTeX]
Ribbrock, D. Entwurf einer Softwarebibliothek zur Entwicklung portabler, hardwareorientierter HPC Anwendungen am Beispiel von Strömungssimulationen mit der Lattice Boltzmann Methode, 2009 [BibTeX]
Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Göddeke, D.; Turek, S. Lattice-Boltzmann Simulation of the Shallow-Water Equations with Fluid-Structure Interaction on Multi- and Manycore Processors, Keller, R., Kramer, D., Weiß, J., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6310, 92-104, Facing the Multicore Challenge, Springer, 2010 [BibTeX]
Ribbrock, D.; Geveler, M.; Göddeke, D.; Turek, S. Performance and accuracy of Lattice-Boltzmann kernels on multi- and manycore architectures, Sloot, P., Dick van Albada, G., Dongarra, J., Procedia Computer Science, 1, 1, 239 - 247, International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS`10), Elsevier, doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2010.04.027, 2010 [BibTeX]
Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Mallach, S.; Göddeke, D.; Turek, S. A Simulation Suite for Lattice-Boltzmann based Real-Time-CFD Applications Exploiting Multi-Level Parallelism on modern Multi- and Many-Core Architectures, Journal of Computational Science, 2, 113-123, doi 10.1016/j.jocs.2011.01.008, 2011 [Abstract] [BibTeX]
Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Göddeke, D.; Zajac, P.; Turek, S. Efficient Finite Element Geometric Multigrid Solvers for Unstructured Grids on GPUs, Ivànyi, P., Topping, B., 22, Second International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering, Civil-Comp Press, Young Researcher Best Paper Award (doi: 10.4203/ccp.95.22), 2011 [BibTeX]
Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Göddeke, D.; Zajac, P.; Turek, S. Towards a complete FEM-based simulation toolkit on GPUs: Geometric Multigrid solvers, 23rd International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics (ParCFD`11), Wiley-Interscience, 2011 [Abstract] [BibTeX]
Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Göddeke, D.; Zajac, P.; Turek, S. Towards a complete FEM-based simulation toolkit on GPUS: Unstructured Grid Finite Element Geometric Multigrid solvers with strong smoothers based on Sparse Approximate Inverses, Comp. Fluids, 80, 327-332, doi: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2012.01.025, 2013 [BibTeX]
Göddeke, D.; Komatitsch, D.; Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Rajovic, N.; Puzovic, N.; Ramirez, A. Energy efficiency vs. performance of the numerical solution of PDEs: an application study on a low-power ARM-based cluster, J. Comput. Phys., 237, 132-150, DOI 10.1016/j.jcp.2012.11.031, 2013 [BibTeX]
Bastian, P.; Engwer, C.; Göddeke, D.; Iliev, O.; Ippisch, O.; Ohlberger, M.; Turek, S.; Fahlke, J.; Kaulmann, S.; Müthing, S.; Ribbrock, D. EXA-DUNE: Flexible PDE Solvers, Numerical Methods and Applications , Proceedings EuroPar 2014, Workshop on Software for Exascale Computing , Springer, August 2014, Porto, Portugal , 2014 [Abstract] [BibTeX]
Müthing, S.; Bastian, P.; Göddeke, D.; Ribbrock, D. Node-level performance engineering for an advanced density driven porous media flow solver, 109-113, 3rd Workshop on Computational Engineering 2014, Stuttgart, Germany, Universität Stuttgart, 2014 [BibTeX]
Müthing, S.; Ribbrock, D.; Göddeke, D. Integrating multi-threading and accelerators into DUNE-ISTL, Abdulle, A., Deparis, S., Kressner, D., Nobile, F., Picasso, M., Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, 103, chapter 59, 601-609, Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications -- ENUMATH 2013, Springer, doi 10.1007/978-3-319-10705-9_59, 2015 [Abstract] [BibTeX]
Venetis, I.; Goumas, G.; Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D. Porting FEASTFLOW to the Intel Xeon Phi: Lessons Learned, Ergebnisberichte des Instituts für Angewandte Mathematik Nummer 510, Fakultät für Mathematik, TU Dortmund, 510, 2015 [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D. FFF2: Future-proof High Performance Numerical Simulation for CFD with FEASTFLOW (2), Ergebnisberichte des Instituts für Angewandte Mathematik Nummer 512, Fakultät für Mathematik, TU Dortmund, 512, 2015 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Göddeke, D.; Altenbernd, M.; Ribbrock, D. Fault-tolerant finite-element multigrid algorithms with hierarchically compressed asynchronous checkpointing, Parallel Computing, 49, 117-135, ISSN: 0167-8191; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.parco.2015.07.003, 2015 [BibTeX]
Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Donner, D.; Ruelmann, H.; Höppke, C.; Schneider, D.; Tomaschewski, D.; Turek, S. The ICARUS white paper: A scalable, energy-efficient, solar-powered HPC center based on low power GPUs, Desprez, F., Dutot, P., Kaklamanis, C., Marchal, L., Molitorisz, K., Ricci, L., Scarano, V., Vega-Rodriguez, M., Varbanescu, A., Hunold, S., Scott, S., Lankes, S., Weidendorfer, J., LNCS, Euro-Par'16, Euro-Par 2016: Parallel Processing Workshops: Euro-Par 2016 International Workshops, Grenoble, France, August 24-26, 2016, Revised Selected Papers, 737-749, Workshop on Unconventional HPC, Springer, isbn 978-3-319-58943-5; http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-58943-5_59, 2016 [BibTeX]
Bastian, P.; Engwer, C.; Fahlke, J.; Geveler, M.; Göddeke, D.; Iliev, O.; Ippisch, O.; Milk, R.; Mohring, J.; Müthing, S.; Ohlberger, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Turek, S. Advances Concerning Multiscale Methods and Uncertainty Quantification in EXA-DUNE, Bungartz, H., Neumann, P., Nagel, W., S. 25-43, Springer, Software for Exascale Computing-SPPEXA 2013-2015, 2016 [BibTeX]
Bastian, P.; Engwer, C.; Fahlke, J.; Geveler, M.; Göddeke, D.; Iliev, O.; Ippisch, O.; Milk, R.; Mohring, J.; Müthing, S.; Ohlberger, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Turek, S. Hardware-Based Efficiency Advances in the EXA-DUNE Project, Bungartz, H., Neumann, P., Nagel, W., 3-23, Springer, doi = 10.1007/978-3-319-40528-5_1, 2016 [BibTeX]
Ruelmann, H.; Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Zajac, P.; Turek, S. Basic Machine Learning Approaches for the Acceleration of PDE Simulations and Realization in the FEAT3 Software, Vermolen, F., Vuik, C., Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, 139, 449-457, Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications Enumath 2019, Springer, 2020 [BibTeX]
Ruda, D.; Turek, S.; Zajac, P.; Ribbrock, D. The Concept of Prehandling as Direct Preconditioning for Poisson-Like Problems, Vermolen, F., Vuik, C., Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, 139, 1011-1019, Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications Enumath 2019, Springer, 2020 [BibTeX]
Turek, S.; Ruda, D.; Ribbrock, D.; Poelstra, H.; Zajac, P. Eine Machbarkeitsstudie zu schnellen FEM-Poisson-Lösern auf Beschleunigerhardware als Beispiel für Hardware-orientierte Numerik , Ergebnisberichte des Instituts für Angewandte Mathematik Nummer 637, Fakultät für Mathematik, TU Dortmund, 637, 2021 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Turek, S.; Ruda, D.; Ribbrock, D.; Zajac, P. Eine Machbarkeitsstudie zu schnellen FEM-Poisson-Lösern auf Beschleunigerhardware als Beispiel für Hardware-orientierte Numerik, Rundbrief GAMM, 4-12, Rundbrief 1/2021, 2021 [BibTeX]
Ruda, D.; Turek, S.; Ribbrock, D.; Zajac, P. A Proof of Concept for Very Fast Finite Element Poisson Solvers on Accelerator Hardware, Ergebnisberichte des Instituts für Angewandte Mathematik Nummer 645, Fakultät für Mathematik, TU Dortmund, 645, 2021 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Ruda, D.; Turek, S.; Ribbrock, D.; Zajac, P. A Proof of Concept for Very Fast Finite Element Poisson Solvers on Accelerator Hardware, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics - PAMM2021, Wiley-VCH, doi/10.1002/pamm.202100091, 2021 [BibTeX]
Ruda, D.; Turek, S.; Ribbrock, D.; Zajac, P. Very fast finite element Poisson solvers on lower precision accelerator hardware: A proof of concept study for Nvidia Tesla V100, International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, https://doi.org/10.1177/10943420221084657, 2022 [BibTeX]
Ruda, D.; Turek, S.; Ribbrock, D.; Zajac, P. An extension of a very fast direct finite element Poisson solver on lower precision accelerator hardware towards semi-structured grids, Ergebnisberichte des Instituts für Angewandte Mathematik Nummer 654, Fakultät für Mathematik, TU Dortmund, 654, 2022 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Ruda, D.; Turek, S.; Ribbrock, D.; Zajac, P. An extension of a very fast direct finite element Poisson solver on lower precision accelerator hardware towards semi-structured grids, ECCOMAS Congress 2022 - 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, -, 5-–9 June 2022, Oslo, Norway, 2022 [BibTeX]
Ruda, D.; Turek, S.; Ribbrock, D. Fast Semi-Iterative Finite Element Poisson Solvers for Tensor Core GPUs Based on Prehandling, Ergebnisberichte des Instituts für Angewandte Mathematik Nummer 671, Fakultät für Mathematik, TU Dortmund, 671, 2024 [BibTeX] [PDF]


Authors Title / Event / Year Download
Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D. A brief introduction to the (standard) Lattice-Boltzmann Method and the HONEI approach, , April 2009 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Göddeke, D.; Turek, S. Hardware oriented numerics for real-time CFD applications on parallel hardware architectures, Symposium CFD on Future Architectures - Many-Cores, GPUs, FPGAs, Oktober 2009 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Göddeke, D.; Turek, S. Lattice-Boltzmann Simulation of the Shallow-Water Equations with Fluid-Structure Interaction on Multi- and Many-core Processors, Multicore Challenge, März 2010 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Ribbrock, D.; Geveler, M.; Göddeke, D.; Turek, S. Performance and Accuracy of Lattice-Boltzmann Kernels on Multi- and Manycore Architectures, ICCS, Mai 2010 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Göddeke, D.; Zajac, P.; Turek, S. Efficient Finite Element Geometric Multigrid Solvers for Unstructured Grids on Graphics Processing Units, The Second International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering, April 2011, Ajaccio [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Göddeke, D.; Zajac, P.; Turek, S. Towards a complete FEM-based simulation toolkit on GPUs: Geometric Multigrid solvers, 23rd International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics (ParCFD`11), Barcelona, Mai 2011 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D. Advanced, hardware-oriented Shallow Water simulations based on the Lattice-Boltzmann Method, , 2012, CMWR12: Advances in Heterogeneous Computing for Water Resources Urbana-Champaign, June 20, 2012 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Göddeke, D.; Altenbernd, M.; Ribbrock, D. Resilient geometric finite-element multigrid algorithms using minimised checkpointing, Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications 2014, Juli 2014, Lugano, Switzerland [BibTeX] [PDF]
Ribbrock, D.; Müthing, S.; Geveler, M.; Göddeke, D.; Turek, S.; Bastian, P. Integrating multi-threading and accelerators into DUNE-ISTL, Sparse Solvers for Exascale, März 2015 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M.; Turek, S.; Ribbrock, D. Realization of a low energy HPC platform powered by renewables - A case study: Technical, numerical and implementation aspects, PACO15: Workshop on Power Aware Computing, invited lecture, Max-Planck Institute for Dynamics of complex technical systems, Magdeburg, Juli 2015 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M.; Köhler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Saak, J.; Truschkewitz, G.; Benner, P.; Turek, S. Future Data Centers for Energy-Efficient Large Scale Numerical Simulations, 7th KoMSO Challenge Workshop, Heidelberg, Oktober 2015 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Ruelmann, H.; Donner, D.; Höppke, C.; Schneider, D.; Tomaschewski, D.; Turek, S. The ICARUS white paper: A scalable, energy-efficient, solar-powered HPC center based on low power GPUs, UcHPC'16 at Euro-Par'16, Grenoble, Aug 2016 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Ruda, D.; Turek, S.; Ribbrock, D.; Zajac, P. Very Fast FEM Poisson Solvers on Lower Precision Accelerator Hardware, , Mai 2022 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Ruda, D.; Turek, S.; Ribbrock, D.; Zajac, P. Very Fast FEM Poisson Solvers on Lower Precision Accelerator Hardware, Eccomas 2022, Juni 2022 [BibTeX] [PDF]
Ruda, D.; Turek, S.; Ribbrock, D.; Zajac, P. Fast semi-iterative finite element Poisson solvers for Tensor Core GPUs, GAMM 2023, Juni 2023, GAMM Annual Meeting 2023, 30.05. - 02.06.2023, Dresden [BibTeX] [PDF]