TU Dortmund
Fakultät für Mathematik

Joint Chemnitz-Zagreb Seminar on Mathematical Physics 5. - 12. October 2010

Fabian Schwarzenberger, Martin Tautenhahn and Ivan Veselić (all Chemnitz)


Schedule of talks

Speaker: Ivan Veselić
Institution: TU Chemnitz
Talk: Localised and delocalised states in quantum mechanical systems
Occasion: Joint Seminar
Date: 11. October 2010, 15.00
Location: Seminar room 2/41/705


Speaker: Luka Grubišić
Institution: University of Zagreb
Stay: 5.-12. October 2010
Talk: Darstellungssätze für indefinite quadratische Formen mit Anwendungen in der Theorie der Operatorgleichungen
Occasion: Joint Seminar
Date: 11. October 2010, 14.00
Location: Seminar room 2/41/705



Speaker: Željko Kereta
Institution: University of Zagreb
Stay: 5.-12. October 2010
Location: An application of semigroup theory in initial boundary value problems
Occasion: Joint Seminar
Date: 7. October 2010, 14.30
Location: Seminar room 2/41/705



Speaker: Marko Erceg
Institution: University of Zagreb
Stay: 5.-12. October 2010
Talk: Semigroups for flows in infinite networks
Occasion: Joint Seminar
Date: 7. October 2010, 14.00
Location: Seminar room 2/41/705



Speaker: Ivica Nakić
Institution: University of Zagreb
Stay: 5.-12. October 2010
Talk: Fixing eigenvalues, pseudospectrum and distance problems in control theory
Occasion: Joint Seminar
Date: 7. October 2010, 11.00
Location: Seminar room 2/41/705



Speaker: Krešimir Veselić
Institution: Fernuniversität Hagen/ Sveučilište u Rijeci
Stay: 5.-8. October 2010
Talk: Time evolution and spectra in quantum mechanics (3)
Occasion: Joint Seminar
Date: 7. October 2010, 10.00
Location: Seminar room 2/41/705



Speaker: Krešimir Veselić
Institution: Fernuniversität Hagen/ Sveučilište u Rijeci
Stay: 5.-8. October 2010
Talk: Time evolution and spectra in quantum mechanics (2)
Occasion: Joint Seminar
Date: 6. October 2010, 15.30
Location: Seminar room 2/41/705



Speaker: Daniel Wingert
Institution: TU Chemnitz
Talk: Heat kernel estimates for relativistic Schrödinger operators
Occasion: Joint Seminar
Date: 6. October 2010, 14:45
Location: Seminar room 2/41/705



Speaker: Fabian Schwarzenberger
Institution: TU Chemnitz
Talk: Uniform approximation of the integrated density of states
Occasion: Joint Seminar
Date: 6. October 2010, 14.00
Location: Seminar room 2/41/705



Speaker: Martin Tautenhahn
Institution: TU Chemnitz
Talk: Fractional moment method for discrete alloy-type models
Occasion: Joint Seminar
Date: 6. October 2010, 11.00
Location: Seminar room 2/41/705



Speaker: Krešimir Veselić
Institution: Fernuniversität Hagen/ Sveučilište u Rijeci
Stay: 5.-8. October 2010
Talk: Time evolution and spectra in quantum mechanics (1)
Occasion: Joint Seminar
Date: 6. October 2010, 10.00
Location: Seminar room 2/41/705




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Fakultät für Mathematik
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Vogelpothsweg 87
44227 Dortmund

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Janine Textor (Raum M 620)

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Mail: janine.textor@tu-dortmund.de
Di. und Do. von 8 bis 12 Uhr
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