M.Sc. Alexey Schwarzmann
Name |
M.Sc. Alexey Schwarzmann |
Address |
TU Dortmund
Fakultät für Mathematik
Lehrstuhl LSIX
Vogelpothsweg 87
44227 Dortmund
Room |
M 622 |
Telephone |
(0231) 755-3049
(0231) 755-3063 (secretariat)
Telefax |
(0231) 755-5219 |
E-mail |
alexey.schwarzmann[at]math.tu-dortmund.de |
Short CV
- Research assistant and PhD student at the TU Dortmund since 2023
- M. Sc. Mathematics at the TU Dortmund 2020-2023
- B. Sc. Mathematics at the TU Dortmund 2016-2020
- Recipient of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes Scholarship 2016-2023
Research interests
- Control theory for partial differential equations
- Uncertainty Principles
- Application of Machine Learning and Convex Limiting to Subgrid Flux Modeling in the Shallow-Water Equations. Ilya Timofeyev, Alexey Schwarzmann, Dmitri Kuzmin (2024). [arXiv]
Teaching at TU Dortmund
Previous teaching
- Summer term 2024: Organisation and exercise class for Brownsche Bewegung
- Summer term 2023: Exercise class for Höhere Mathematik II
- Winter term 22/23: Exercise class for Höhere Mathematik I
- Winter term 21/22: Exercise class for Numerik I
- Summer term 2021: Exercise class for Numerik II
- Winter term 20/21: Exercise class for Analysis I
- Winter term 19/20: Exercise class for Analysis III
- Summer term 2019: Exercise class for Analysis II
- Winter term 18/19: Exercise class for Analysis I
TU Dortmund
Fakultät für Mathematik
Lehrstuhl IX
Vogelpothsweg 87
44227 Dortmund
Sie finden uns auf dem sechsten Stock des Mathetowers.
Janine Textor (Raum M 620)
Tel.: (0231) 755-3063
Fax: (0231) 755-5219
Mail: janine.textor@tu-dortmund.de
Di. und Do. von 8 bis 12 Uhr
Home Office:
Mo. und Fr. von 8 bis 12 Uhr