Title: | Workshop on quantitative spectral theory and mathematical physics |
Organised by: | Luka Grubišić (Zagreb), Ivica Nakić (Zagreb), Ivan Veselić (Chemnitz) |
Venue: | Hotel Colentum, Murter |
Dates: | 13.-19. September 2011 |
Link to the: | official web page with further information and book of abstracts |
Department of mathematics, University of Zagreb
Mathematics department, TU Chemnitz
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
A particular objective of the workshop is to intensify the cooperation between Croatian and German scientists working
in mathematical physics and continue the series of joint Zagreb-Chemnitz seminars, which started in
September 2010.
Luka Grubišić (University of Zagreb, Croatia) A posteriori error estimation for rational eigenvalue problems with applications to band gap computations for photonic crystals
Amru Hussein (University of Mainz, Germany) An indefinite operator on finite metric graphs
Željko Jeričević (University of Rijeka, Croatia) Faster solution of large, overdetermined, dense linear systems
Vadim Kostrykin (University of Mainz, Germany) On \(2\times 2\) symmetric matrices
Maroje Marohnić (University of Zagreb, Croatia) Derivation of a model of the prestressed elastic string
Ivica Nakić (University of Zagreb, Croatia) On the correspondence between spectra of the pencil \(A-\lambda B\) and of the operator \(B^{-1}A\)
Jonathan Rohleder (TU Graz, Austria) Spectral properties of elliptic differential operators and Dirichlet-to-Neumann maps
Reza Samavat (TU Chemnitz, Germany) Structure and spectral properties of inhomogeneous random Graphs
Stephan Schmitz (University of Mainz, Germany) On indefinite differential operators of second order
Christoph Schumacher (TU Chemnitz, Germany) Lifshitz asymptotics for Hamiltonians with some monotonicity in the randomness
Fabian Schwarzenberger (TU Chemnitz, Germany) A Banach space-valued ergodic theorem and applications
Josip Tambača (University of Zagreb, Croatia) Mathematical modeling of vascular stents
Martin Tautenhahn (TU Chemnitz, Germany) Wegner estimate for alloy-type models with sign-changing exponentially decaying single-site potentials
Ivan Veselić (TU Chemnitz, Germany) Eigenvalue flows for linear pencils of operators
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