TU Dortmund
Fakultät für Mathematik

Multiscale Version of the Logvinenko-Sereda Theorem

Title Multiscale Version of the Logvinenko-Sereda Theorem
DFG Code Ve 253/7-1
GEPRIS Projekt number 280969390
Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Ivan Veselić
Researcher Dr. Michela Egidi


The aim of this project is to prove a multiscale version of the Logvinenko-Sereda Theorem. The classical Logvinenko-Sereda Theorem belongs to the realm of Harmonic or Fourier Analysis and asserts that the restriction of an $L^p$ function on the real line to a thick subset has comparable $L^p$-norm to the function on the whole axis, provided that its Fourier transform is supported on an interval. Only the thickness and the size of the interval enter in the estimate, not its position. This result has been extended by Kovrijkine to the case where the Fourier transform has support in a union of a finite number of intervals of the same length. Again, only the number and the size of the intervals enters the estimate, not their position.
The validity of a multiscale version of the Logvinenko-Sereda Theorem is suggested by recent scale-free unique continuation estimates or uncertainty principles for eigenfunctions and spectral projections of Schrödinger operators. Here the functions are considered on intervals of length $L$, ranging over the positive reals. While the intended estimate appears at first sight simpler than in the case of the whole axis, one has the additional task to control effectively the dependence of the estimate on the additional size parameter $L$. Ideally, one would like to show that the estimates hold uniformly in $L$.
While the conjectured bound is a Harmonic Analysis result, it immediately triggers consequences in the theory of Inverse Problems, in particular under appropriate sparsity assumptions. Thus it can be seen as a continuum relative of compressed sensing and sparse recovery. Moreover, the conjectured estimates have applications in the spectral theory of Schrödinger operators and in the control theory of the heat equation. A multidimensional extension of this estimate will have even wider relevance.


Title: Geometric conditions for the null-controllability of hypoelliptic quadratic parabolic equations with moving control supports
Authors: Karine Beauchard, Michela Egidi, Karel Pravda-Starov
Year: 2019
Preprint https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.10603
Abstract: We study the null-controllability of some hypoelliptic quadratic parabolic equations posed on the whole Euclidean space with moving control supports, and provide necessary or sufficient geometric conditions on the moving control supports to ensure null-controllability. The first class of equations is the one associated to non-autonomous Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators satisfying a generalized Kalman rank condition. In particular, when the moving control supports comply with the flow associated to the transport part of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators, a necessary and sufficient condition for null-controllability on the moving control supports is established. The second class of equations is the class of accretive non-selfadjoint quadratic operators with zero singular spaces for which some sufficient geometric conditions on the moving control supports are also given to ensure null-controllability.


Title: The reflection principle in the control problem of the heat equation
Authors: Michela Egidi, Albrecht Seelmann
Year: 2019
Preprint https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.08141
Abstract: We consider the control problem for the generalized heat equation for a Schrödinger operator on a domain with a reflection symmetry with respect to a hyperplane. We show that if this system is null-controllable, then so is the system on its respective parts. Moreover, we show that the corresponding control cost does not exceed the one on the whole domain.


Title: Null-controllability and control cost estimates for the heat equation on unbounded and large bounded domains
Authors: Michela Egidi, Ivica Nakić, Albrecht Seelmann, Matthias Täufer, Martin Tautenhahn, Ivan Veselic
Year: 2018
Preprint https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.11229
Abstract: We survey recent results on the control problem for the heat equation on unbounded and large bounded domains. First we formulate new uncertainty relations, respectively spectral inequalities. Then we present an abstract control cost estimate which improves upon earlier results. It is particularly interesting when combined with the earlier mentioned spectral inequalities since it yields sharp control cost bounds in several asymptotic regimes. We also show that control problems on unbounded domains can be approximated by corresponding problems on a sequence of bounded domains forming an exhaustion. Our results apply also for the generalized heat equation associated with a Schrödinger semigroup.


Title: On null-controllability of the heat equation on infinite strips and control cost estimate
Authors: Michela Egidi
Year: 2018
Preprint https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.10942
Abstract: We consider an infinite strip $\Omega_L=(0,2\pi L)^{d-1}\times\mathbb{R}$, $d\geq 2$, $L>0$, and study the control problem of the heat equation on $\Omega_L$ with Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions, and control set $\omega\subset\Omega_L$. We provide a sufficient and necessary condition for null-controllability in any positive time $T>0$, which is a geometric condition on the control set $\omega$. This is referred to as "thickness with respect to $\Omega_L$" and implies that the set $\omega$ cannot be concentrated in a particular region of $\Omega_L$. We compare the thickness condition with a previously known necessity condition for null-controllability and give a control cost estimate which only shows dependence on the geometric parameters of $\omega$ and the time $T$.


Title: Sharp geometric condition for null-controllability of the heat equation on R d and consistent estimates on the control cost
Authors: Michela Egidi, Ivan Veselic
Year: 2017
Preprint https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.06088
Abstract: In this note we study the control problem for the heat equation on $R^d$, $d>= 1$, with control set a given subset of $R^d$. We provide a necessary and sufficient condition on the control set such that the heat equation is null-controllable in any positive time. We give an estimate of the control cost with explicit dependency on the characteristic geometric parameters of the control set. Finally, we derive a control cost estimate for the heat equation on cubes with periodic, Dirichlet, or Neumann boundary conditions, where the control sets are again assumed to be thick. We show that the control cost estimate is consistent with the $R^d$ case.


Title: Scale-free unique continuation estimates and Logvinenko-Sereda Theorems on the torus
Authors: Michela Egidi, Ivan Veselic
Year: 2016
Preprint https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.07020
Abstract: We study uncertainty principles or observability estimates for function classes on the torus. The classes are defined in terms of spectral subspaces of the energy or the momentum, respectively. In our main theorems, the support of the Fourier Transform of the functions is allowed to be supported in a (finite number of) parallelepipeds. The estimates we obtain do not depend on the size of the torus and the position of the parallelepipeds, but only on their size and number, and the size and scale of the observability set. Our results are on the one hand closely related to unique continuation and observability estimates which can be obtained by Carleman estimates and on the other hand to the Logvinenko and Sereda theorem. In fact, we rely on the methods used by Kovrijkine to refine and generalize the results of Logvinenko and Sereda.

Poster presentation

Title: Sharp geometric condition for null-controllability of the heat equation on the whole space
Occasion: 3rd GAMM AGUQ Workshop on Uncertainty Quantification
Institution/Location: TU Dortmund
Link: PDF file
Date: 10th-14th March 2018


Title: Null-controllability of the heat equation on rectangular regions
Occasion: 5th Najman Conference on Spetral Theory and Differential Equations
Institution/Location: Opatjia, Croatia
Link: PDF file
Date: September 2017


Title: Unique continuation and Logvinenko-Sereda Theorem on $T^d_L$
Occasion: Workshop Mathematical Physics and Dynamical Systems 2017
Institution/Location: TU Dortmund
Link: PDF file
Date: 20th-22nd March 2017


Title: Necessary and sufficient geometric condition for null-controllability of the heat equation on $\Bbb R^d$
Speaker: Ivan Veselic
Occasion: Worskhop on Control theory of infinite-dimensional systems
Institution: FernUniversität Hagen
Date: 10th-12th January 2018


Title: Longvinenko-Sereda Theorems: from complex analysis to application in Control Theory
Speaker: Michela Egidi
Occasion: Worskhop on Control theory of infinite-dimensional systems
Institution: FernUniversität Hagen
Date: 10th-12th January 2018


Title: Logvinenko-Sereda Theorems and application to control theory of the heat equation
Speaker: Michela Egidi
Occasion: Group de travail
Institution: ENS Rennes
Date: 15th November 2017


Title: Unique continuation estimates and the Logvinenko Sereda Theorem
Speaker: Ivan Veselic
Occasion: Oberseminars Stochastik/Mathematische Physik
Institution: Fernuni Hagen
Date: 15th February 2017


Title: Logvinenko-Sereda Theorems for periodic functions
Speaker: Michela Egidi
Occasion: Summer school “Spectral Theory, Differential Equations and Probability“
Institution: Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz
Date: 4th-15th September 2016


Title: Uncertainty relations and applications to the Schrödinger and heat conduction equations
Speaker: Ivan Veselic
Occasion: Summer school “Spectral Theory, Differential Equations and Probability“
Institution: Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz
Date: 4th-15th September 2016


Title: Quantitative uncertainty principle on the torus
Speaker: Michela Egidi
Occasion: GGA Seminar
Institution: Durham University
Date: 23rd May 2016



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Janine Textor (Raum M 620)

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