Prof. Dr. Susanne PredigerEnglish Publications (for full list, see German homepage) |
English Publications on Research in Mathematics Education (* marks SSCI journals)
In press or online first
Papers in peer reviewed journals and edited books
Papers in peer reviewed proceedings and books
Papers in peer reviewed journals
Papers in reviewed proceedings and books
*Prediger, S., Götze, D., Holzäpfel, L., Rösken-Winter, B., & Selter, C. (2022). Five principles for high-quality mathematics teaching: Combining normative, epistemological, empirical, and pragmatic perspectives for specifying the content of professional development. Frontiers in Education, 7:969212, 1–15. doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2022.969212 (Open Access)
Korntreff, S. & Prediger, S. (2022). Students’ ideas about variables as generalizers and unknowns: Design Research calling for more explicit comparisons of purposes. In J. Hodgen, E. Geraniou, G. Bolondi, & F. Ferretti (Eds.), Proceedings of Twelfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12) (pp. 529–536). University of Bolzano / ERME. https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03745135 (Open Access)
Prediger, S., Kuzu, T., Schüler-Meyer, A., & Wagner, J. (2019). One mind, two languages – separate conceptualisations? A case study of students’ bilingual modes for dealing with language-related conceptualisations of fractions. Research in Mathematics Education, 21(2), 188–207. doi:10.1080/14794802.2019.1602561 (Open Access).
Prediger, S., Roesken-Winter, B., & Leuders, T. (2019). Which research can support PD facilitators? Research strategies in the Three-Tetrahedron Model for content-related PD research. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 22(4), 407–425. doi.org/10.1007/s10857-019-09434-3 (Open Access).
Prediger, S., Erath, K., & Moser Opitz, E. (2019). The language dimension of mathematical difficulties. In A. Fritz, V. Haase, P. Räsänen (Eds.), International Handbook of math learning difficulties: From the laboratory to the classroom (pp. 437–455). Cham: Springer. (Green Access to a preliminary version here)
Prediger S. (2018). Multilingual issues in Nordic mathematics education – What is achieved and where to go next? NOMAD - Nordisk Matematikkdidaktikk, 23(3-4), 247–258.
Prediger, S., Schnell, S., & Rösike, K.-A. (2016). Design Research with a focus on content-specific professionalization processes: The case of noticing students’ potentials. In S. Zehetmeier, B. Rösken-Winter, D. Potari, & M. Ribeiro (Eds.), Proceedings of the Third ERME Topic Conference on Mathematics Teaching, Resources and Teacher Professional Development (pp. 96–105). Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin / HAL.
Prediger, S. (2012). Discontinuities of mental models. In N. M. Seel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning (Part 4, pp. 995–997). New York: Springer.
Selter, C., Prediger, S., Nührenbörger, M., & Hußmann, S. (2012). Taking away and determining the difference – A longitudinal perspective on two models of subtraction and the inverse relation to addition. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 79(3), 389–408. (Originalversion on www-springerlink.com)
Prediger, S., Clarkson, P., & Bose, A. (2012). A way forward for teaching in multilingual contexts: purposefully relating multi lingual registers. In ICME-12: Preconference Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education. TSG 30: Mathematics education in a multilingual and multicultural environment (pp. 6213–6222). Seoul: ICMI.
Prediger, S., Wessel, L., & Tschierschky, K. (2012). Enabling teachers for analysing and fostering learning processes of second language learners: Design and research in a preservice teacher education course. In ICME-12: Preconference Proceedings of 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education. TSG 30: Mathematics education in a multilingual and multicultural environment (pp. 6205-6212). Seoul: ICMI.
Prediger, S. & Schnell, S. (2011). Individual pathways in the development of students' conceptions of patters of chance. In M. Pytlak, T. Rowland & E. Swoboda (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 885–895). Rzeszow: University of Rzeszow / ERME.
Meyer, M. & Prediger, S. (2011). The use of first language Turkish as a resource - A German case study on chances and limits for building conceptual understanding. In M. Setati, T. Nkambule, & L. Goosen (Eds.), Proceedings of the ICMI Study 21 - Mathematics and Language Diversity (pp. 225–234). Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Prediger, S. & Wessel, L. (2011). Relating registers for fractions - Multilingual learners on their way to conceptual understanding. In M. Setati, T. Nkambule, & L. Goosen (Eds.), Proceedings of the ICMI Study 21 - Mathematics and Language Diversity (pp. 324–333). Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Prediger, S. (2011). Why Johnny can’t apply multiplication: Revisiting the choice of operations with fractions. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 6(2), 65–88. (Here is the link to the journal)
Prediger, S., Stehlikova, N., Torbeyns, J., & van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, M. (2011). Teaching and Learning of Number Systems and Arithmetic. Introduction to the Papers of Working Group 2. In M. Pytlak, T. Rowland, & E. Swoboda (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 283–286). Rzeszow: University of Rzeszow / ERME.
Bikner-Ahsbahs, A. & Prediger, S. (2010). Networking of theories – an approach for exploiting the diversity of theoretical approaches. In B. Sriraman & L. English (Eds.), Theories of mathematics education: Seeking New Frontiers, Series Advances in Mathematics Education (pp. 483–506). New York: Springer. (Link to preliminary version here)
Prediger, S., Bosch, M., Kidron, I., Monaghan, J., & Sensevy, G. (2010). Different theoretical perspectives and approaches in mathematics education research - strategies and difficulties when connecting theories. In V. Durand-Guerrier, S. Soury-Lavergne, & F. Arzarello (Eds.), Proceedings of CERME 6 - Sixth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 1529–1534). Lyon: ERME / Institut National de Recherché Pédagogique.
Prediger, S. (2010). How to develop mathematics for teaching and for understanding. The case of meanings of the equal sign. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 13(1), 73–93. (free link to preliminary version here)
Prediger, S. (2009). "... because 'of' is always minus..." - Students explaining their choice of operations in multiplicative word problems with fractions. In M. Tzekaki, M. Kaldrimidou, & H. Sakonidis (Eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 4, pp. 401–408). Thessaloniki: PME.
Prediger, S. & Schink, A. (2009). "Three eights of which whole? - Dealing with changing referent wholes as a key to the part-of-part-model for the multiplication of fractions. In M. Tzekaki, M. Kaldrimidou, & H. Sakonidis (Eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 4, pp. 409–416). Thessaloniki: PME.
Prediger, S. & Rolka, K. (2009). Using betting games for initiating conceptual change - A case study in probability classroom. Asian Journal of Educational Research and Synergy, 1(1), 57–67.
Prediger, S. (2008). Do you want me to do it with probability or with my normal thinking? Horizontal and vertical views on the formation of stochastic conceptions. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 3(3), 126–154.
Prediger, S., Trouche, L., Camarena Gallardo, P., Traglova, J., & Ulep, S. (2008). Discussion Group 13: Challenges and possibilities posed by different theoretical approaches in mathematics education research. ICMI (Ed.), Materials from ICME-11 Mexico. Online Source (here the original source and here the stable link).
Prediger, S. & Rolka, S. (2008). Betting as a pathway to the law of large numbers – Self-construction of strategies for initiating conceptual change. In M. Borovcnik & Dave Pratt (Eds.), Proceedings of ICME 11 Topic Study Group 13: Research and development in the teaching and learning of probability, Mexico 2008.
Prediger, S., Viggiani-Bicudo, M., & Ernest, P. (2008). Philosophy of Mathematics Education - Strands and Issues. In M. Niss & E. Emborg (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Kopenhagen 2004, Roskilde: Roskilde University, 438–442.
Prediger, S. (2008). Discontinuities for mental models - A source for difficulties with the multiplication of fractions. In D. De Bock, B.D. Søndergaard, B.A. Gómez, C.C.L. Cheng (Eds.), Proceedings of ICME-11 – Topic Study Group 10, Research and Development of Number Systems and Arithmetic, Mexico, Monterrey, 29–37.
Prediger, S., Arzarello, F., Bosch, M., & Lenfant, A. (2008) (Eds.), Comparing, Combining, Coordinating - Networking strategies for connecting theoretical approaches, Thematic Issue of ZDM – Mathematics Education, 40 (2), 163–327. (Editorial here)
Prediger, S., Bikner-Ahsbahs, A., & Arzarello, F. (2008). Networking strategies and methods for connecting theoretical approaches – First steps towards a conceptual framework. ZDM – Mathematics Education, 40 (2), 165–178. (Green access to preliminary version here, the original publication is available at www.springerlink.com)
Prediger, S. (2008). How are theoretical approaches expressed in research practices? A report on an experience in comparing theoretical approaches with respect to the construction of research problems. ZDM – Mathematics Education, 40 (2), 277–286. (Green access to preliminary version here, the original publication is available at www.springerlink.com)
Prediger, S. (2008). The relevance of didactical categories for analysing obstacles in conceptual change - Revisiting the case of multiplication of fractions. Learning and Instruction, 18(1), 3–17. (Green access to preliminary version here)
Arzarello, F., Bosch, M., Lenfant, A., & Prediger, S. (2007). Different Theoretical Perspectives in Research. In D. Pitta-Pantazi & G. Phillipou (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 5) Cyprus 2007, ERME, 1618–1627.
Prediger, S. & Ruthven, K. (2007). From teaching problems to research problems. Proposing a way of comparing theoretical approaches. In D. Pitta-Pantazi & G. Phillipou (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 5) Cyprus 2007, ERME, 1745–1771.
Prediger, S. (2007). Philosophical Reflections in Mathematics Classrooms - Chances and Reasons. In K. François & J.P. van Bendegem (Eds.), Philosophical Dimensions in Mathematics Education. New York: Springer, 43–58.
Until 2006
Bikner-Ahsbahs, A. & Prediger, S. (2006). Diversity of Theories in Mathematics Education – How can we deal with it?. Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik, 38(1), 52–57.
Artigue, M., Dreyfus, T., Bartolini-Bussi, M.G., Gray, E., & Prediger, S. (2006). Different theoretical perspectives and approaches in research in mathematics education. In M. Bosch et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th CERME, Sant Feliu de Guixols 2005, published at Fundemi IQS – Universitat 2006, 1239–1244. (ISBN 84-611-3282-3)
Prediger, S. (2005). Developing reflectiveness in mathematics classrooms – An aim to be reached in several ways. Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik, 37(3), 250–257. (pdf)
Prediger, S. (2004). Intercultural Perspectives on Mathematics Learning – Developing a Theoretical Framework. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 2(3), 377–406.
Prediger, S. (2004). Perspectives interculturelles sur l’apprentissage des mathématiques. Les cahiers du Laboratoire Leibniz-IMAG, No. 104, Grenoble, 28 S. ISSN: 1298-020X
Lengnink, K. & Prediger, S. (2003).Development of the personal constructs about mathematical tasks - A qualitative study using repretory grid methodology, In Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME), Hawaii. (Extended version here)
English Publications in Philosophy of Mathematics
Prediger, S. (2006). Mathematics - cultural product or epistemic exception?. In B. Löwe, V. Peckhaus, & T. Räsch (Eds.), The History of the Concept of the Formal Sciences, Studies in Logic 3 (pp. 217–232). London: King’s College.
Prediger, S. (2002). Consensus and coherence in mathematics - How can they be explained in a culturalistic view?. Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal, 16.
Prediger, S. (2003). Formal Concept Analysis for General Objects. Discrete Applied Mathematics 127 (2), 337–355.
Prediger, S. (2000). Nested Concept Graphs and Triadic Power Context Families. A situation-based contextual approach. In B. Ganter & G. Mineau (Eds.), Conceptual Structures: Logical, Linguistic, and Computational Issues. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1867. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer, 248–261.
Prediger, S. & Wille, R.
(1999). The
Lattice of Concept Graphs of a Relationally Scaled Context. In
W. Tepfenhart & W. Cyre (Eds.), Conceptual Structures: Standards and
Practices, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1640. Berlin/Heidelberg/New York: Springer, 401–414.
Prediger, S. & Stumme, G. (1999). Theory-driven logical scaling. Conceptual information systems met description logics. In P. Lambrix, A. Borgida, M. Lenzerini, R. Möller, & P. Patel-Schneider (Eds.), Proceedings DL'99. CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol. 22.
Prediger, S. (1998). Simple Concept Graphs: A Logic Approach. In M.-L. Mugnier & M. Chein (Eds.), Conceptual Structures: Theory, Tools and Application, Lectures Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1453. Berlin: Springer, 225–239.
Prediger, S. (1997). Logical Scaling in Formal Concept Analysis. In D. Lukose et.al. (Eds.), Conceptual Structures: Fulfilling Peirce's
Dream, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1257. Berlin: Springer,
Prediger, S. (1997). Symbolic
Objects in Formal Concept Analysis. In G. Mineau & A. Fall (Eds.), Proceedings of the Second International
Symposium on Knowledge, Retrieval, Use and Storage for Efficiency,
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