TU Dortmund
Faculty of Mathematics —
Chair III of Applied Mathematics
Vogelpothsweg 87
44227 Dortmund
Phone: +49-(0)231-755-3076
Fax: +49-(0)231-755-5933
Oberseminar Talks
Schuh, M.:
Hyperelsticity based Mesh-Deformation,
, January 2023
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Drews, W.; Turek, S.; Lohmann, C.:
On a Time-Simultaneous Multigrid Method in Combination with Stabilization Techniques for the Convection-Diffusion Equation,
, 2023
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Wambach, L.:
Adaptive higher order temporal discretization scheme with an efficient postprocessing for a time simultaneous implementation,
, June 2023
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Esser, M.:
Investigating the impact of ChatGPT on teaching at LS3.,
, July 2023
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Ruda, D.; Turek, S.; Ribbrock, D.; Zajac, P.:
Fast semi-iterative finite element Poisson solvers for Tensor Core GPUs,
, July 2023
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Fatima, A.:
An Adaptive Discrete Newton Method for Regularization-Free Bingham Model,
, February 2022
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Kuzmin, D.; Bäcker, J.:
An unfitted finite element method using leel set functions for extrapolation into deformable diffuse interfaces,
, February 2022
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Lohmann, C.; Turek, S.:
On the design of global-in-time Newton-Pressure Schur complement solvers for incompressible flow problems,
, June 2022
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Dünnebacke, J.; Lohmann, C.; Turek, S.:
Application of a modified multigrid waveform relaxation method as a time-simultaneous approach to convection-diffusion equations,
, June 2022
Ruda, D.; Turek, S.; Ribbrock, D.; Zajac, P.:
Very Fast FEM Poisson Solvers on Lower Precision Accelerator Hardware,
, May 2022
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Ruppenthal, F.:
Bathymetry reconstruction via optimal control in well-balanced finite element methods for the shallow water equations,
, 2022
Afaq, A.:
Monolithic Newton-Multigrid Solver for Multiphase Flow Problems with Surface Tension,
, November 2022
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Begum, N.; Ouazzi, A.; Turek, S.:
FEM modelling and simulation of thixo-viscoplastic flow problems,
, 2022
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Fatima, A.:
An Adaptive Discrete Newton Method for Regularization-Free Bingham Model in Yield Stress Fluids,
, December 2022
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Hajduk, H.; Kuzmin, D.; Aizinger, V.:
Modified Shallow-Water Equations for Direct Bathymetry Reconstruction,
, January 2018
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Arndt, M.:
Efficient numerical and algorithmic realization of a pressure Poisson complement solver for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in FEAT3,
, November 2018
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Paul, J.:
Nonlinear Hyperelasticity-based Mesh Optimisation,
, May 2017
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Hosseini, B.:
Cahn-Hilliard phase field based incompressible two-phase flow simulations with Isogeometric discretizations,
, May 2017
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Ahmadi, O.:
The Lagrangian approach for fiber suspension flows,
, May 2017
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Sokolov, A.:
Numerical solution of surface PDEs with Radial Basis Functions,
, June 2017
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Begum, N.:
Radiation Effects From an Isothermal Vertical Wavy Cone With Variable Fluid Properties,
, June 2017
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Munir, M.:
Numerical Simulation Techniques for the Efficient and Accurate Treatment of Local Fluidic Transport Processes Together with Chemical Reactions,
, June 2017
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Fatima, A.:
Monolithic Finite Element Method for Three Fields Formulation of Yield Stress Fluids,
, June 2017
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Ul-Jabbar, A.:
Efficient and robust monolithic multilevel Krylov solver for the solution of stationary incompressible Navier-Stokes equations,
, July 2017
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Afaq, A.:
Robust Monolithic - Multigrid FEM Solver for Three Fields Formulation Rising from non-Newtonian Flow Problems,
, July 2017
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Paul, J.:
Variational Mesh Optimisation,
, March 2016
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Safi, A.:
The Lattice Boltzmann Method,
Was ist..., May 2014
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Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.:
A brief introduction to the (standard) Lattice-Boltzmann Method and the HONEI approach,
, April 2009
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Bussmann, M.:
Modeling: (i) thermal spray rapid solidification (ii) partially-molten particle impact,
, April 2009
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Kühbacher, C.:
Shallow Water Derivation and Applications,
, May 2009
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Hussain, S.:
PDE-constrained optimization,
, July 2008
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Varfolomeyev, A.:
Phase Field Methods Allen-Cahn vs. Cahn-Hilliard Model,
, November 2008
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Gurris, M.:
Finite Elemente Simulation des Lichtbogenspritzprozesses,
, November 2008
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Hini, R.:
Introduction to Paraview,
, February 2007
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Göddeke, D.:
Performance and accuracy of hardware-oriented native-, emulated- and mixed-precision solvers in FEM simulations ,
, October 2006
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Grajewski, M.:
Towards r-h-adaptivity in FEM,
, October 2006
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Shcherbinina, O.:
Movement of a liquid in vegetative environments,
, November 2006
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Xu, J.:
Evaluation of Interface Tracking Schemes with Finite Element Discretizations,
, November 2006
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Hein, M.; Miemczyk, M.; Münster, R.:
Grid Adaptation by Deformation in 2D and 3D,
, December 2006
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