Titel | Autoren | Jahr | ||
678 | Finite Element Simulation For Elastic and Plastic Fluids | Saghir, M.; Damanik, H.; Turek, S. | 2024 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
677 | Numerical simulation and mixing characterization of Taylor bubble flows in coiled flow inverters | Mierka, O.; Münster, R.; Surkamp, J.; Kockmann, N.; Turek, S. | 2024 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
676 | Direct numerical simulation of dispersion and mixing in gas-liquid Dean-Taylor flow with influence of a 90° bend | Mierka, O.; Münster, R.; Surkamp, J.; Turek, S.; Kockmann, N. | 2024 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
674 | Simulation techniques for the viscoelastic fluids with pure polymer melts based on EVSS approach | Ahmad, R.; Zajac, P.; Turek, S. | 2024 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
671 | Fast Semi-Iterative Finite Element Poisson Solvers for Tensor Core GPUs Based on Prehandling | Ruda, D.; Turek, S.; Ribbrock, D. | 2024 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
670 | Improving Convergence of Time-Simultaneous Multigrid Methods for Convection-Dominated Problems using VMS Stabilization Techniques | Drews, W.; Turek, S.; Lohmann, C. | 2024 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
669 | Augmented Lagrangian acceleration of global-in-time Pressure Schur complement solvers for incompressible Oseen equations | Lohmann, C.; Turek, S. | 2023 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
668 | Numerical Analysis of a Time-Simultaneous Multigrid Solver for Stabilized Convection-Dominated Transport Problems in 1D | Drews, W.; Turek, S.; Lohmann, C. | 2023 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
667 | On a lack of stability of parametrized BV solutions to rate-independent systems with non-convex energies and discontinuous loads | Andreia, M.; Meyer, C. | 2023 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
665 | Efficient Newton-multigrid FEM Solver for Multifield Nonlinear Coupled Problems Applied to Thixoviscoplastic Flows | Begum, N.; Ouazzi, A.; Turek, S. | 2023 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
664 | On the design of global-in-time Newton-Multigrid-Pressure Schur complement solvers for incompressible flow problems | Lohmann, C.; Turek, S. | 2023 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
663 | FEM Modeling And Simulation of Thixo-viscoplastic Flow Problems | Begum, N.; Ouazzi, A.; Turek, S. | 2023 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
662 | Numerical study of the RBF-FD method for the Stokes equations (für eine aktuellere Version kontaktieren Sie bitte: Alexander.Westermann@tu-dortmund.de) | Westermann, A.; Davydov, O.; Sokolov, A.; Turek, S. | 2023 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
661 | Robust adaptive discrete Newton method for regularization-free Bingham model | Fatima, A.; Afaq, A.; Turek, S.; Ouazzi, A. | 2023 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
660 | Finite Element approximation of data-driven problems in conductivity | Müller, A.; Meyer, C. | 2023 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
659 | Robust Monolithic Multigrid FEM Solver for Three Field Formulation of Incompressible Flow Problems | Afaq, A.; Fatima, A.; Turek, S.; Ouazzi, A. | 2023 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
658 | Efficient numerical solution of the Fokker-Planck equation using physics-conforming finite element methods | Wegener, K.; Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. | 2023 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
657 | Bilevel Optimization of the Kantorovich problem and its quadratic regularization - Part II: Convergence Analysis | Hillbrecht, S.; Manns, P.; Meyer, C. | 2022 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
656 | FEM simulation of thixo-viscoplastic flow problems: Error analysis | Begum, N.; Ouazzi, A.; Turek, S. | 2022 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
654 | An extension of a very fast direct finite element Poisson solver on lower precision accelerator hardware towards semi-structured grids | Ruda, D.; Turek, S.; Ribbrock, D.; Zajac, P. | 2022 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
651 | Mathematical Modeling of Coolant Flow in Drilling Processes with Temperature Coupling | Fast, M.; Mierka, O.; Turek, S. | 2022 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
650 | Numerical studies of a multigrid version of the parareal algorithm | Wambach, L.; Turek, S. | 2022 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
649 | L 𝛼 -Regularization of the Beckmann Problem | Lorenz, D.; Mahler, H.; Meyer, C. | 2022 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
648 | Optimal control of non-convex rate-independent systems via vanishing viscosity The finite dimensional case | Knees, D.; Meyer, C.; Sievers, M. | 2021 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
647 | Very Fast Finite Element Poisson Solvers on Lower Precision Accelerator Hardware - A Proof-of-Concept Study for NVIDIA Tesla V100 | Ruda, D.; Turek, S.; Ribbrock, D.; Zajac, P. | 2021 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
646 | DoD Stabilization for non-linear hyperbolic conservation laws on cut cell meshes in one dimension | May, S.; Streitbürger, F. | 2021 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
645 | A Proof of Concept for Very Fast Finite Element Poisson Solvers on Accelerator Hardware | Ruda, D.; Turek, S.; Ribbrock, D.; Zajac, P. | 2021 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
644 | Finite Element Methods for the simulation of thixotropic flow problems | Begum, N.; Ouazzi, A.; Turek, S. | 2021 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
643 | Monolithic Newton-multigrid FEM for the simulation of thixotropic flow problems | Begum, N.; Ouazzi, A.; Turek, S. | 2021 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
642 | Convergence Analysis of a Local Stationarity Scheme for Rate-Independent Systems and Application to Damage | Sievers, M. | 2021 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
641 | Fourier analysis of a time-simultaneous two-grid algorithm for the one-dimensional heat equation | Lohmann, C.; Dünnebacke, J.; Turek, S. | 2021 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
640 | Commutative properties for conservative space-time DG discretizations of optimal control problems involving the viscous Burgers equation | Kerkhoff, X.; May, S. | 2021 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
639 | Numerical simulation techniques for the efficient and accurate treatment of local fluidic transport processes together with chemical reactions | Mierka, O.; Turek, S. | 2021 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
638 | Newton-multigrid FEM solver for the simulation of quasi-newtonian modeling of thixotropic flows | Ouazzi, A.; Begum, N.; Turek, S. | 2021 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
637 | Eine Machbarkeitsstudie zu schnellen FEM-Poisson-Lösern auf Beschleunigerhardware als Beispiel für Hardware-orientierte Numerik | Turek, S.; Ruda, D.; Ribbrock, D.; Poelstra, H.; Zajac, P. | 2021 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
636 | Monolithic Newton-Multigrid Solver for Multiphase Flow Problems with Surface Tension | Afaq, A.; Turek, S.; Ouazzi, A.; Fatima, A. | 2021 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
635 | An Adaptive Discrete Newton Method for Regularization-Free Bingham Model | Fatima, A.; Turek, S.; Ouazzi, A.; Afaq, A. | 2021 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
634 | Increased space-parallelism via time-simultaneous Newton-multigrid methods for nonstationary nonlinear PDE problems | Dünnebacke, J.; Turek, S.; Lohmann, M.; Sokolov, A.; Zajac, P. | 2020 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
633 | Analysis and numerical treatment of bulk-surface reaction-diffusion models of Gierer-Meinhardt type | Bäcker, J.; Röger, M.; Kuzmin, D. | 2020 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
632 | Benchmarking and Validation of a Combined CFD-Optics Solver for Micro-Scale Problems | Münster, R.; Mierka, O.; Turek, S.; Weigel, T.; Ostendorf, A. | 2020 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
631 | Arduino‐based slider setup for gasliquid mass transfer investigations: Experiments and CFD simulations | Krieger, W.; Bayraktar, E.; Mierka, O.; Kaiser, L.; Dinter, R.; Hennekes, J.; Turek, S.; Kockmann, N. | 2020 | [BibTeX] |
630 | Enriched Galerkin method for the shallow-water equations | Hauck, M.; Aizinger, V.; Frank, F.; Hajduk, H.; Rupp, A. | 2020 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
629 | An algebraic flux correction scheme facilitating the use of Newton-like solution strategies | Lohmann, C. | 2020 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
628 | On the threshold condition for Dörfler marking | Diening, L.; Kreuzer, C. | 2020 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
627 | Optimal control of perfect plasticity Part II: Displacement tracking | Meyer, C.; Walther, S. | 2020 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
626 | Strong Stationarity for Optimal Control of Variational Inequalities of the Second Kind | Christof, C.; Meyer, C.; Schweizer, B.; Turek, S. | 2020 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
624 | Locally bound-preserving enriched Galerkin methods for the linear advection equation | Kuzmin, D.; Hajduk, H.; Rupp, A. | 2020 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
623 | Optimal control of perfect plasticity Part I: Stress tracking | Meyer, C.; Walther, S. | 2020 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
622 | Simulating two-dimensional viscoelastic fluid flows by means of the Tensor Diffusion approach | Westervoß, P.; Turek, S. | 2019 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
621 | Matrix-free subcell residual distribution for Bernstein finite elements: Monolithic limiting | Hajduk, H.; Kuzmin, D.; Kolev, T.; Tomov, V.; Tomas, I.; Shadid, J. | 2019 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
620 | The Concept of Prehandling as Direct Preconditioning for Poisson-like Problems | Ruda, D.; Turek, S.; Zajac, P.; Ribbrock, D. | 2019 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
619 | A time-simultaneous multigrid method for parabolic evolution equations | Dünnebacke, J.; Turek, S.; Zajac, P.; Sokolov, A. | 2019 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
618 | Basic Machine Learning Approaches for the Acceleration of PDE Simulations and Realization in the FEAT3 Software | Ruelmann, H.; Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Zajac, P.; Turek, S. | 2019 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
617 | The ``Tensor Diffusion`` approach for simulating viscoelastic fluids | Westervoß, P.; Turek, S.; Damanik, H.; Ouazzi, A. | 2019 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
616 | Numerical Simulation and Benchmarking of Drops and Bubbles | Turek, S.; Mierka, O. | 2019 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
615 | Optimal control of an abstract evolution variational inequality with application to honogenized plasticity | Meinlschmidt, H.; Meyer, C.; Walther, S. | 2019 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
614 | Abschlussreport SPP EXA 2019: EXA-DUNE - Flexible PDE Solvers, Numerical Methods and Applications | Bastian, P.; Altenbernd, M.; Dreier, N.; Engwer, C.; Fahlke, J.; Fritze, R.; Geveler, M.; Göddeke, D.; Iliev, O.; Ippisch, O.; Mohring, J.; Müthing, S.; Ohlberger, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Shegunov, N.; Turek, S. | 2019 | [BibTeX] |
613 | An isogeometric mortar method for the coupling of multiple NURBS domains with optimal convergence rates | Dornisch, W.; Stöckler, J. | 2019 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
612 | On the solvability and iterative solution of algebraic flux correction problems for convection-reaction equations | Lohmann, C. | 2019 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
611 | A monolithic operator-adaptive Newton-Multigrid solver for Navier-Stokes Equations in 3D | Jendrny, R.; Mierka, O.; Münster, R.; Turek, S. | 2019 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
609 | Monolithic convex limiting for continuous finite element discretizations of hyperbolic conservation laws | Kuzmin, D. | 2019 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
608 | Limiting and divergence cleaning for continuous finite element discretizations of the MHD equations | Kuzmin, D.; Klyushnev, N. | 2019 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
607 | Radiale Basisfunktionen | Karras, S.; Linz, L.; Buchatz, D.; Symann, P.; Schulte Huxel, L.; Dreyer, P.; Heise, C.; von Lehmden, J. | 2019 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
606 | Musik und Mathematik | Sivalingam, K.; Kliewer, V.; Köchling, G. | 2019 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
605 | A stabilized DG cut cell method for discretizing the linear transport equation | Engwer, C.; May, S.; Nüßing, A.; Streitbürger, F. | 2019 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
604 | PP-Löser für die Navier-Stokes Gleichung | Helmich, T.; Tiemann, E. | 2019 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
603 | Lineare Inverse Probleme | Sauer, K.; Gierschner, C.; Sklarzyk, M.; Meise, B. | 2019 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
602 | Quasi-best approximation in optimization with PDE constraints | Gaspoz, F.; Kreuzer, C.; Veeser, A.; Wollner, W. | 2019 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
601 | Regularization for optimal control problems associated to nonlinear evolution equations | Meinlschmidt, H.; Meyer, C.; Rehberg, J. | 2019 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
600 | Quadratically regularized optimal transport | Lorenz, D.; Manns, P.; Meyer, C. | 2019 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
599 | Finite Element Discretization of Local Minimization Schemes for Rate-Independent Evolutions | Meyer, C.; Sievers, M. | 2019 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
598 | Matrix-free subcell residual distribution for Bernstein finite elements: Low-order schemes and FCT | Hajduk, H.; Kuzmin, D.; Kolev, T.; Abgrall, R. | 2019 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
597 | Oscillation in a posteriori error estimation | Kreuzer, C.; Veeser, A. | 2019 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
596 | Goal oriented a posteriori error estimators for problems with modified discrete formulations based on the dual weighted residual method | Kumor, D.; Rademacher, A. | 2019 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
595 | Random walk methods for Monte Carlo simulations of Brownian diffusion on a sphere | Novikov, A.; Kuzmin, D.; Ahmadi, O. | 2019 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
591 | Algebraic limiting techniques and hp-adaptivity for continuous finite element discretizations | Kuzmin, D. | 2018 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
590 | A partition of unity approach to adaptivity and limiting in continuous finite element methods | Kuzmin, D.; Quezada de Luna, M.; Kees, C. | 2018 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
589 | Gradient-based limiting and stabilization of continuous Galerkin methods | Kuzmin, D. | 2018 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
588 | Frame-invariant directional vector limiters for discontinuous Galerkin methods | Hajduk, H.; Kuzmin, D.; Aizinger, V. | 2018 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
587 | A flux-corrected RBF-FD method for convection dominated problems in domains and on manifolds | Sokolov, A.; Davydov, O.; Kuzmin, D.; Westermann, A.; Turek, S. | 2018 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
586 | A monolithic conservative level set method with built-in redistancing | Quezada de Luna, M.; Kuzmin, D.; Kees, C. | 2018 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
585 | Bathymetry reconstruction using inverse shallow water models: Finite element disrecitzation and regularization | Hajduk, H.; Kuzmin, D.; Aizinger, V. | 2018 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
584 | Algebraic flux correction schemes preserving the eigenvalue range of symmetric tensor fields | Lohmann, C. | 2018 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
583 | Convergence of adaptive finite element methods with error-dominated oscillation | Kreuzer, C.; Veeser, A. | 2018 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
582 | An Investigation on Separation Points of Power-Law model Along a Rotating Round-Nosed Body | Begum, N.; Siddiqa, S.; Ouazzi, A.; Hossain, M. | 2018 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
581 | On the Prospects of Using Machine Learning for the Numerical Simulation of PDEs: Training Neural Networks to Assemble Approximate Inverses | Ruelmann, H.; Geveler, M.; Turek, S. | 2018 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
580 | Numerical Benchmarking for 3D Multiphase Flow: New Results for a Rising Bubble | Turek, S.; Mierka, O.; Bäumler, K. | 2017 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
579 | Numerical study of the RBF-FD level set based method for partial differential equations on evolving-in-time surfaces | Sokolov, A.; Davydov, O.; Turek, S. | 2017 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
578 | Two-phase Natural Convection Dusty Nanofluid Flow | Siddiqa, S.; Begum, N.; Hossain, M.; Gorla, R.; Al-Rashed, A. | 2017 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
577 | Natural convection of incompressible viscoelastic fluid flow | Damanik, H.; Turek, S. | 2017 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
576 | Dual weighted residual error estimation for the finite cell method | Stolfo , P.; Rademacher, A.; Schröder, A. | 2017 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
575 | Convergence of adaptive discontinuous Galerkin Methods | Kreuzer, C.; Georgoulis, E. | 2017 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
574 | An entropy stable spacetime discontinuous Galerkin method for the two-dimensional compressible Navier-Stokes equations | Hiltebrand, A.; May, S. | 2017 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
573 | Preconditioning for hyperelasticity-based mesh optimisation | Paul, J. | 2017 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
572 | Natural Convection Flow of a Two-Phase Dusty Non-Newtonian Fluid Along a Vertical Surface | Siddiqa, S.; Begum, N.; Hossain, M.; Gorla, R. | 2017 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
571 | Adaptive opitmal control of the signorini's problem | Rademacher, A.; Rosin, K. | 2017 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
570 | Numerical Estimation of Thermal Radiation Effects on Marangoni Convection of Dusty Fluid | Siddiqa, S.; Begum, N.; Hossain, M.; Al-Rashed, A. | 2017 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
569 | Sequential limiting in continuous and discontinuous Galerkin methods for the Euler equations | Dobrev, V.; Kolev, T.; Kuzmin, D.; Rieben, R.; Tomov, V. | 2017 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
568 | Numerical Solutions for Gyrotactic Bioconvection of Dusty Nanofluid along a Vertical Isothermal Surface | Begum, N.; Siddiqa, S.; Sulaiman, M.; Islam, S.; Hossain, M.; Gorla, R. | 2017 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
567 | Global Optimization of Ideal Multi-component Distillation Columns | Mertens, N.; Kunde, C.; Kienle, A.; Michaels, D. | 2017 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
566 | Two-Phase Dusty Fluid Flow Along a Cone with Variable Properties | Siddiqa, S.; Begum, N.; Hossain, M.; Mustafa, N.; Gorla, R. | 2017 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
565 | The ICARUS white paper: A scalable, energy-efficient, solar-powered HPC center based on low power GPUs | Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Donner, D.; Ruelmann, H.; Höppke, C.; Schneider, D.; Tomaschewski, D.; Turek, S. | 2017 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
564 | Flux-corrected transport algorithms preserving the eigenvalue range of symmetric tensor quantities | Lohmann, C. | 2017 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
563 | Optimal control of the thermistor problem in three spatial dimensions, Part 2: Optimality conditions | Meinlschmidt, H.; Meyer, C.; Rehberg, J. | 2017 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
562 | Two-phase Dusty Fluid Flow Along a Rotating Axi-symmetric Round-Nosed Body | Siddiqa, S.; Begum, N.; Hossain, M.; Gorla, R. | 2017 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
561 | Thermal Maragoni Convection of Two-phase Dusty Fluid Flow Along a Vertical Wavy Surface | Siddiqa, S.; Begum, N.; Hossain, M.; Gorla, R. | 2017 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
560 | Natural convection of gas along a vertical wavy surface with effect of variable thermophysical properties | Al-Rashed, A.; Siddiqa, S.; Begum, N.; Hossain, M. | 2017 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
559 | Natural convection flow of two-phase dusty gas with variable thermophysical properties along a vertical wavy surface | Begum, N.; Siddiqa, S.; Hossain, M.; Gorla, R. | 2017 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
558 | Reactive Flow Simulation of Micromixers Based on Grid Deformation Techniques | Mierka, O.; Munir, M.; Spille, C.; Timmermann, J.; Schlüter, M.; Turek, S. | 2017 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
557 | Dynamic of Two-phase Dusty Nanofluid Flow Past a Vertical Wavy Surface | Siddiqa, S.; Begum, N.; Hossain, M. | 2017 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
556 | Alles im Fluss - Simulationstechniken der Strömungsmechanik in der Materials Chain | Schröder, J.; Turek, S.; Schwarz, A. | 2017 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
555 | Fundamentals of a numerical cloud computing for applied sciences - Preparing cloud computing for ``Simulation-as-a-Service`` | Geveler, M.; Turek, S. | 2017 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
554 | How applied sciences can accelerate the energy revolution - A pleading for energy awareness in scientific computing | Geveler, M.; Turek, S. | 2017 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
553 | Random walk implementation of rotary diffusion in Lagrangian models of fiber orientation | Ahmadi, O.; Kuzmin, D. | 2017 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
552 | Influence of Variable Thermophysical Properties on Nanofluid Bioconvection along a Vertical Isothermal Cone | Begum, N.; Siddiqa, S.; Hossain, M. | 2016 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
551 | Isogeometric Analysis of the Navier-Stokes-Cahn-Hilliard equations with application to incompressible two-phase flows | Hosseini, B.; Turek, S.; Möller, M.; Palmes, C. | 2016 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
550 | Flux-corrected transport algorithms for continuous Galerkin methods based on high order Bernstein finite elements | Lohmann, C.; Kuzmin, D.; Shadid, J.; Mabuza, S. | 2016 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
549 | Evaluation of nonlinear differential models for the simulation of polymer melts | Kroll, J.; Turek, S.; Westervoß, P. | 2016 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
548 | An FCT finite element scheme for ideal MHD equations in 1d and 2d | Bittl, M.; Kuzmin, D. | 2016 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
547 | Benchmark Computations for 3D two-phase flows: A coupled lattice Boltzmann-level set study | Safi, A.; Turek, S.; Prasianakis, N. | 2016 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
546 | Numerical modeling of generation and propagation of Görtler vortices | Boiko, A.; Demyanko, K.; Kuzmin, D.; Mierka, O.; Nechepurenko, Y.; Rivkind, L. | 2016 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
545 | Planar and orthotropic closures for orientation tensors in fiber suspension flow models | Kuzmin, D. | 2016 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
544 | L∞- error estimates for the obstacle problem revisited | Christof, C. | 2016 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
543 | A Note on a priori LP-error-estimates for the obstacle problem | Christof, C.; Meyer, C. | 2016 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
542 | Numerical method based on extended one-step schemes for optimal control problems with time-lags | Ibrahim, F.; Hattaf, K.; Rihan, F.; Turek, S. | 2016 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
541 | Synchronized slope limiting in discontinuous Galerkin methods for the equations of gas dynamics | Kuzmin, D.; Lohmann, C. | 2016 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
540 | Synchronized flux limiting for gas dynamics variables | Lohmann, C.; Kuzmin, D. | 2016 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
539 | Monotone local projection stabilization schemes for continuous finite elements | Kuzmin, D.; Basting, S.; Shadid, J. | 2016 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
537 | Optimal control for reinitialization in finite element level set methods | Basting, C.; Kuzmin, D.; Shadid, J. | 2016 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
536 | Gradient-based nodal limiters for artificial diffusion operators in finite element schemes for transport equations | Kuzmin, D.; Shadid, J. | 2016 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
535 | Optimal control of the thermistor problem in three spatial dimensions, Part 1: Existence of optimal solutions | Meinlschmidt, H.; Meyer, C.; Rehberg, J. | 2016 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
534 | Anisotropic slope limiting for discontinuous Galerkin methods | Kuzmin, D.; Kosik, A.; Aizinger, V. | 2016 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
533 | Feat-Flow Lab Report SS 2011 | Razzaq, M.; Rivkind, L. | 2016 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
532 | A modified Newton-type solver for yield stress fluids | Mandal, S.; Ouazzi, A.; Turek, S. | 2015 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
531 | Numerical studies for flow around a sphere regarding different flow regimes caused by various Reynolds numbers | Jendrny, R.; Damanik, H.; Mierka, O.; Turek, S. | 2015 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
530 | Combinatorial optimal control of semilinear elliptic PDEs | Buchheim, C.; Meyer, C.; Schäfer, R. | 2015 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
529 | A new approach to enforcing discrete maximum principles in continuous Galerkin methods for convection-dominated transport equations | Kuzmin, D.; Shadid, J. | 2015 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
528 | A new monolithic Newton-multigrid-based FEM solution scheme for large strain dynamic poroelasticity problems | Obaid, A.; Turek, S.; Heider, Y.; Markert, B. | 2015 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
527 | Differentiability properties of the solution operator to an elliptic variational inequality of the second kind | Christof, C.; Meyer, C. | 2015 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
525 | Preconditioners for the discontinuous Galerkin time-stepping method of arbitrary order | Basting, S.; Bänsch, E. | 2015 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
524 | Optimal Control of Nonsmooth, Semilinear Parabolic Equations | Meyer, C.; Susu, L. | 2015 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
523 | Efficient algorithms for constraining orientation tensors in Galerkin methods for the Fokker-Planck equation | Lohmann, C. | 2015 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
522 | Fault-tolerant finite-element mutligrid algorithms with hierarchically compressed asynchronous checkpointing | Göddeke, D.; Altenbernd, M.; Ribbrock, D. | 2015 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
521 | Existence of Solutions of a (Nonsmooth) Thermoviscoplastic Model and Associated Optimal Control Problems | Herzog, R.; Meyer, C.; Schäfer, A. | 2015 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
520 | Reliable a posteriori error estimation for state-constrained optimal control | Rösch, A.; Siebert, K.; Steinig, S. | 2015 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
519 | Implementation of discretized Gabor frames and their duals | Kloos, T.; Stöckler, J.; Gröchenig, K. | 2015 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
518 | Towards a monolithic multiphase flow solver via surface stress-based formulations | Ouazzi, A.; Damanik, H.; Turek, S. | 2015 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
517 | A numerical study on continuous space-time Finite Element Methods for dynamic Signorini problems | Rademacher, A. | 2015 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
516 | Balancing discretization and numerical error for coupled parabolic hyperbolic problems using the dual weigthed residual method with application to thermoelasticity | Rademacher, A. | 2015 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
515 | Mesh and model adaptivity for frictional contact problems | Rademacher, A. | 2015 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
514 | NCP-fun tion based dual weighted residual error estimators for Signorini's problem | Rademacher, A. | 2015 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
513 | Efficient computations for high density ratio rising bubble flows using a diffused interface, coupled lattice Boltzmann-level set scheme | Safi, A.; Turek, S. | 2015 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
512 | FFF2: Future-proof High Performance Numerical Simulation for CFD with FEASTFLOW (2) | Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D. | 2015 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
511 | Extended One-Step Schemes for Stiff and Non-Stiff Delay Differential Equations | Ibrahim, F.; Rihan, F.; Turek, S. | 2015 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
510 | Porting FEASTFLOW to the Intel Xeon Phi: Lessons Learned | Venetis, I.; Goumas, G.; Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D. | 2015 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
509 | Mesh Deformation Based Finite Element - Fictitious Boundary Method (FEM-FBM) for the Simulation of Twin-screw Extruders | Mierka, O.; Theis, T.; Herken, T.; Turek, S.; Schöppner, V.; Platte, F. | 2014 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
508 | GPGPU-based rising bubble simulations using a MRT lattice Boltzmann method coupled with level set interface capturing | Safi, A.; Turek, S. | 2014 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
507 | Optimal Control of the Inhomogeneous Relativistic Maxwell Newton Lorentz Equations | Meyer, C.; Schnepp, M.; Thoma, O. | 2014 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
506 | Zeros of the Zak transform of totally positive functions | Kloos, T. | 2014 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
505 | Isogeometric Analysis of the Navier-Stokes equations with Taylor-Hood B-spline elements | Hosseini, B.; Möller, M.; Turek, S. | 2014 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
504 | Entropic Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Three Dimensional Binary Gas Mixture Flow in Packed Beds Using Graphics Processors | Safi, A.; Ashrafizaadeh, M. | 2014 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
503 | Numerical framework for pattern-forming models on evolving-in-time surfaces | Sokolov, A.; Strehl, R.; Ali, R.; Turek, S. | 2014 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
502 | An AFC-stabilized implicit finite element method for partial differential equations on evolving-in-time surfaces | Sokolov, A.; Ali, R.; Turek, S. | 2014 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
501 | Multivariate polynomial interpolation with disturbed data | Fassino, C.; Möller, H. | 2014 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
500 | Rising bubble simulations using a multiple relaxation time lattice Boltzmann method coupled with level set interface capturing | Safi, A.; Turek, S. | 2014 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
499 | Least-squares finite element methods for the Navier-Stokes equations for generalized Newtonian fluids | Serdas, S.; Schwarz, A.; Schröder, J.; Turek, S.; Ouazzi, A.; Nickaeen, M. | 2014 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
498 | Genetische Algorithmen | Mehmeti, Q.; Amrein, V.; Kulms, M.; Macin, N.; Loenser, C.; Bogonos, D.; Waidhas, M. | 2014 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
497 | Finite-Differenzen Verfahren für die Black-Scholes-Differentialgleichung | Thiemann, L.; Anstots, M.; Kraft, P.; Liu, Y.; Guo, L.; Joosten, J. | 2014 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
496 | Adaptive optimal control of elastoplastic contact problems | Betz, T.; Meyer, C.; Rademacher, A.; Rosin, K. | 2014 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
495 | Swimming by Reciprocal Motion at Low Reynolds Number | Qiu, T.; Lee, T.; Mark, A.; Morozov, K.; Münster, R.; Mierka, O.; Turek, S.; Leshansky, A.; Fischer, P. | 2014 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
494 | Adaptive optimal control of the obstacle problem | Meyer, C.; Rademacher, A.; Wollner, W. | 2014 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
493 | Semi-smooth Newton methods for mixed FEM discretizations of higher-order for frictional, elasto-plastic two-body contact problems | Blum, H.; Ludwig, H.; Rademacher, A. | 2014 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
492 | Integrating multi-threading and accelerators into DUNE-ISTL | Müthing, S.; Ribbrock, D.; Göddeke, D. | 2014 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
491 | B-stationarity conditions for a class of optimization problems governed by variational inequalities of the 2nd kind | de los Reyes, J.; Meyer, C. | 2014 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
490 | Restricted Element-Wise Projection for the Finite Element Method | Zajac, P. | 2014 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
489 | Efficient numerical methods for the large-scale, parallel solution of elastoplastic contact problems | Frohne, J.; Heister, T.; Bangerth, W. | 2014 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
488 | Zak transforms and Gabor frames of totally positive functions and exponential B-splines | Kloos, T.; Stöckler, J. | 2013 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
487 | A class of Extended one-step methods for solving delay differential equations | Ibrahim, F.; Salama, A.; Turek, S. | 2013 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
486 | Newton-Multigrid Least-Squares FEM for S-V-P Formulation of the Navier-Stokes Equations | Ouazzi, A.; Nickaeen, M.; Turek, S.; Waseem, M. | 2013 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
485 | Numerical simulation of polymer film stretching | Damanik, H.; Ouazzi, A.; Turek, S. | 2013 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
484 | Finite element simulation of three-dimensional particulate flows using mixture models | Gorb, Y.; Mierka, O.; Rivkind, L.; Kuzmin, D. | 2013 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
483 | On a fully implicit, monolithic FEM-multigrid solution approach for dynamic porous media problems | Turek, S.; Obaid, A.; Markert, B. | 2013 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
482 | Space-time Newton-multigrid strategies for nonstationary distributed and boundary flow control problems | Hinze, M.; Köster, M.; Turek, S. | 2013 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
481 | Efficient Simulation and Optimization of Rotationally Symmetric, Converging-Diverging de Laval Nozzles for Twin Wire Arc Spraying | Turek, S.; Möller, M.; Razzaq, M.; Rivkind, L. | 2013 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
480 | Modeling of the Boundary Regions between a Spreading Droplet and a Rough Surface of Solid | Theis, T.; Ouazzi, A.; Mierka, O.; Turek, S. | 2013 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
479 | Extended one-step methods for solving delay-differential equations | Ibrahim, F.; Salama, A.; Ouazzi, A.; Turek, S. | 2013 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
478 | A comparative study of mixed least-squares FEMs for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations | Schwarz, A.; Nickaeen, M.; Serdas, S.; Nisters, C.; Ouazzi, A.; Schröder, J.; Turek, S. | 2013 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
477 | Efficient Newton-multigrid solution techniques for higher order space-time Galerkin discretizations of incompressible flow | Hussain, S.; Schieweck, F.; Turek, S. | 2013 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
476 | Assembling Adjacency Relations for the Finite Element Method | Zajac, P. | 2013 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
475 | Analyse der ``Lernumgebung Mathematik`` für Studierende der INT-Fächer in der Studieneingangsphase | Altieri, M.; Oecking, C.; Paluch, D.; Pomwap, C.; Squiccimarro, F.; Wunde, N. | 2013 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
474 | OPTIMAL CONTROL OF STATIC ELASTOPLASTICITY IN PRIMAL FORMULATION | de los Reyes, J.; Herzog, R.; Meyer, C. | 2013 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
472 | Multi-Objective Optimization of a Fluid Structure Interaction Benchmarking | Razzaq, M.; Tsotskas, C.; Turek, S.; Kipouros, T.; Savill, M.; Hron, J. | 2013 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
471 | Numerical Solutions of Population Balance Equations within Liquid/GasLiquid Flow Simulations | Bayraktar, E.; Mierka, O.; Turek, S. | 2013 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
469 | Abrasive medium classification and CFD simulations for low-pressure abrasive water-jet blasting | Özkaya, E.; Bayraktar, E.; Turek, S.; Biermann, D. | 2013 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
468 | Multigrid-based Solution Methods for the Optimal Control of Nonstationary Flows | Köster, M.; Hinze, M.; Turek, S. | 2013 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
467 | Hierarchical slope limiting in explicit and implicit discontinuous Galerkin methods | Kuzmin, D. | 2013 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
466 | Newton multigrid least-squares FEM for the V-V-P formulation of the Navier-Stokes equations | Nickaeen, M.; Ouazzi, A.; Turek, S. | 2013 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
465 | Nozzle Design for Low-Pressure Micro Abrasive Waterjet Blasting via CFD Simulations | Bayraktar, E.; Özkaya, E.; Münster, R.; Biermann, D.; Turek, S. | 2013 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
464 | Algebraic flux correction for nonconforming finite element discretizations of scalar transport problems | Möller, M. | 2012 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
463 | Numerical simulation of chemotaxis models on stationary surfaces | Sokolov, A.; Strehl, R.; Turek, S. | 2012 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
462 | Energy efficiency vs. performance of the numerical solution of PDEs: an application study on a low-power ARM-based cluster | Göddeke, D.; Komatitsch, D.; Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Rajovic, N.; Puzovic, N.; Ramirez, A. | 2012 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
461 | On special CFD techniques for the efficient solution of dynamic porous media problems | Turek, S.; Obaid, A.; Markert, B. | 2012 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
460 | FEM-Simulation des Erstarrungsvorgangs von Einzeltröpfchen mittels Enthalpie Modell | Ouazzi, A.; Theis, T.; Turek, S. | 2012 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
459 | Ein dG-FEM-Verfahren zur Lösung der Konvektions-Diffusionsgleichung mit Hilfe von Mehrgitterverfahren | Kühbacher, C.; Möller, M.; Turek, S. | 2012 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
458 | On a Galerkin discretization of 4th order in space and time applied to the heat equation | Hussain, S.; Schieweck, F.; Turek, S.; Zajac, P. | 2012 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
457 | Finite Element-Fictitious Boundary Methods (FEM-FBM) for time-dependent multiphase flow problems - Application to Sedimentation Benchmarks | Münster, R.; Mierka, O.; Turek, S. | 2012 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
456 | Insight into Fluid Structure Interaction Benchmarking through Multi-Objective Optimization | Razzaq, M.; Tsotskas, C.; Turek, S.; Hron, J.; Kipouros, T.; Savill, M. | 2012 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
455 | On the design of non-conforming high-resolution finite element schemes | Möller, M. | 2012 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
454 | Abschlußbericht Studienprojekt Modellbildung und Simulation 2011-12 ``Lamésolver`` | Borg, N.; Cebulla, M.; Christof, C.; Deska, M.; Greif, J.; Gutknecht, T.; Rörich, A.; Rörich, S.; Wahlers, S.; Westervoß, P. | 2012 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
453 | Efficient FEM Solvers for Inocmpressible Nonlinear Flow Models | Turek, S.; Damanik, H.; Hron, J.; Ouazzi, A. | 2012 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
452 | Numerical simulation of mondisperse droplet generation in nozzles | Mierka, O.; Damanik, H.; Turek, S. | 2012 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
451 | Fully implicit nonstationary flow simulations with a monolithic off-lattice Boltzmann approach | Hübner, T.; Mahmood, R.; Turek, S. | 2012 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
450 | An efficient and stable finite element solver of higher order in space and time for nonstationary incompressible flow | Hussain, S.; Schieweck, F.; Turek, S. | 2012 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
449 | Evaluation of commercial and academic CFD codes for a two-phase flow benchmark test case | Hysing, S.; Turek, S. | 2012 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
446 | Stabilization techniques and a posteriori error estimates for the obstacle problem | Biermann, D.; Blum, H.; Iovkov, I.; Klein, N.; Rademacher, A.; Suttmeier, F. | 2012 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
445 | Numerical simulation of a rising bubble in viscoelastic fluids | Damanik, H.; Ouazzi, A.; Turek, S. | 2012 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
444 | Higher order Galerkin time discretization for nonstationary incompressible flow | Hussain, S.; Schieweck, F.; Turek, S. | 2012 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
443 | Numerical Methods to Simulate Turbulent Dispersed Flows in Complex Geometries | Bayraktar, E.; Münster, R.; Mierka, O.; Turek, S. | 2012 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
442 | Numerical and Experimental Studies on PBEs in OpenFOAM Environment | Bayraktar, E. | 2012 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
441 | An Alternative Strategy for the Solution of Heat and Incompressible Fluid Flow Problems via Finite Volume Method | Nickaeen, M.; Ashrafizadeh, A.; Turek, S. | 2011 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
440 | Algebraic Flux Correction III Incompressible Flow Problems | Turek, S.; Kuzmin, D. | 2011 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
439 | Algebraic Flux Correction II Compressible Flow Problems | Kuzmin, D.; Möller, M.; Gurris, M. | 2011 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
438 | Algebraic Flux Correction I Scalar Conservation Laws | Kuzmin, D. | 2011 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
437 | Numerical study of a high order 3D FEM-Level Set approach for immiscible flow simulation | Turek, S.; Mierka, O.; Hysing, S.; Kuzmin, D. | 2011 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
436 | Simulation of Intra-Aneurysmal Blood Flow by using Different Numerical Methods | Weichert, F.; Walczak, L.; Fisseler, D.; Opfermann, T.; Razzaq, M.; Münster, R.; Turek, S.; Grunwald, I.; Roth, A.; Veith, C.; Wagner, M. | 2011 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
435 | Efficient, accurate and flexible Finite Element solvers for Chemotaxis problems | Strehl, R.; Sokolov, A.; Turek, S. | 2011 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
434 | Towards a complete FEM-based simulation toolkit on GPUS: Unstructured Grid Finite Element Geometric Multigrid solvers with strong smoothers based on Sparse Approximate Inverses | Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Göddeke, D.; Zajac, P.; Turek, S. | 2011 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
433 | Benchmark Computations of 3D Laminar Flow Around a Cylinder with CFX, OpenFOAM and FeatFlow | Bayraktar, E.; Mierka, O.; Turek, S. | 2011 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
432 | Space-Time Finite Element Methods for Dynamic Frictional Contact Problems | Rademacher, A. | 2011 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
431 | Mixed FEM of Higher-Order for Time-Dependent Contact Problems | Rademacher, A.; Schröder, A.; Blum, H.; Kleemann, H. | 2011 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
430 | Slope limiting for discontinuous Galerkin approximations with a possibly non-orthogonal Taylor basis | Kuzmin, D. | 2011 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
429 | A flux-corrected transport algorithm for handling the close-packing limit in dense suspensions | Kuzmin, D.; Gorb, Y. | 2011 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
428 | A priori finite element error analysis for optimal control of the obstacle problem | Meyer, C.; Thoma, O. | 2011 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
427 | Evaluation of CFD codes on a two-phase flow benchmark reference test case | Hysing, S. | 2011 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
426 | Monolithic Newton-multigrid solution techniques for incompressible nonlinear flow models | Damanik, H.; Hron, J.; Ouazzi, A.; Turek, S. | 2011 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
425 | Mixed finite element level set method for numerical simulation of immiscible fluids | Hysing, S. | 2011 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
424 | A note on accurate and efficient higher order Galerkin time stepping schemes for the nonstationary Stokes equations | Hussain, S.; Schieweck, F.; Turek, S. | 2011 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
423 | Numerical Aspects and Implementation of Population Balance Equations Coupled with Turbulent Fluid Dynamics | Bayraktar, E.; Mierka, O.; Platte, F.; Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. | 2011 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
422 | Towards a complete FEM-based simulation toolkit on GPUs: Geometric multigrid solvers | Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Göddeke, D.; Zajac, P.; Turek, S. | 2011 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
421 | Linearity-preserving flux correction and convergence acceleration for constrained Galerkin schemes | Kuzmin, D. | 2011 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
420 | A Simulation Suite for Lattice-Boltzmann based Real-Time CFD Applications Exploiting Multi-Level Parallelism on modern Multi- and Many-Core Architectures | Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Mallach, S.; Göddeke, D. | 2011 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
419 | Efficient Finite Element Geometric Multigrid Solvers for Unstructured Grids on GPUs | Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Göddeke, D.; Zajac, P.; Turek, S. | 2011 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
418 | New robust nonconforming finite elements of higher order | Köster, M.; Ouazzi, A.; Schieweck, F.; Turek, S.; Zajac, P. | 2011 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
417 | A positivity-preserving finite element method for chemotaxis problems in 3D | Strehl, R.; Sokolov, A.; Kuzmin, D.; Horstmann, D.; Turek, S. | 2010 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
416 | Higher order Galerkin time discretizations and fast multigrid solvers for the heat equation | Hussain, S.; Schieweck, F.; Turek, S. | 2010 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
415 | Implicit Finite Element Schemes for Stationary Compressible Particle-Laden Gas Flows | Gurris, M.; Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. | 2010 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
414 | Implicit Finite Element Schemes for the Stationary Compressible Euler Equations | Gurris, M.; Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. | 2010 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
413 | Finite Element fictitious boundary methods (FEM-FBM) for 3D particulate flow | Münster, R.; Mierka, O.; Turek, S. | 2010 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
412 | Quantitative Analysis on the Impact of Geometry on Results of the Simulation of Blood flow | Razzaq, M.; Acker, J.; Turek, S.; Hron, J.; Weichert, F.; Walczak, L.; Müller, H.; Wagner, M.; Roth, C.; Ahlhelm, F.; Schulte-Altedorneburg, G.; Grunwald, I.; Romeike, B. | 2010 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
411 | A high order 3D FEM-Level Set approach for multiphase flow with application to monodisperse droplet generation | Turek, S.; Mierka, O.; Hysing, S.; Kuzmin, D. | 2010 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
410 | High-resolution finite element schemes for an idealized Z-pinch implosion model | Möller, M.; Kuzmin, D.; Shadid, J. | 2010 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
409 | Numerical Studies of Time Dependent Ginzburg-Landau Model by FEM with Moving Grid Deformation | Cai, M.; Turek, S. | 2010 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
408 | A Newton-like Finite Element Scheme for Compressible Gas Flows | Gurris, M.; Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. | 2010 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
407 | Failsafe flux limiting and constrained data projections for systems of conservation laws | Kuzmin, D.; Möller, M.; Shadid, J.; Shashkov, M. | 2010 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
406 | Hardware-Oriented Multigrid Finite Element Solvers on GPU-Accelerated Clusters | Turek, S.; Göddeke, D.; Buijssen, S.; Wobker, H. | 2010 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
405 | Numerical Benchmarking of Fluid-Structure Interaction: A comparison of different discretization and solution approaches | Turek, S.; Hron, J.; Razzaq, M.; Wobker, H.; Schäfer, M. | 2010 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
404 | Performance and Accuracy of Lattice-Boltzmann Kernels on Multi- and Manycore Architectures | Ribbrock, D.; Geveler, M.; Göddeke, D.; Turek, S. | 2010 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
403 | Numerical simulation and benchmarking of a monolithic multigrid solver for fluid-structure interaction problems with application to hemodynamics | Turek, S.; Hron, J.; Madlik, M.; Razzaq, M.; Wobker, H.; Acker, J. | 2010 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
402 | Cyclic Reduction Tridiagonal Solvers on GPUs Applied to Mixed Precision Multigrid | Göddeke, D.; Strzodka, R. | 2010 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
401 | FEAST -- Realisation of hardware-oriented Numerics for HPC simulations with Finite Elements | Turek, S.; Göddeke, D.; Becker, C.; Buijssen, S.; Wobker, H. | 2010 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
400 | Lattice-Boltzmann Simulation of the Shallow-Water Equations with Fluid-Structure Interaction on Multi- and Manycore Processors | Geveler, M.; Ribbrock, D.; Göddeke, D.; Turek, S. | 2009 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
399 | FEM techniques for the LCR reformulation of viscoelastic flow problems | Ouazzi, A.; Damanik, H.; Hron, J.; Turek, S. | 2009 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
398 | A set of finite element spaces for the mixed formulation of twobody contact problems | Blum, H.; Kleemann, H. | 2009 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
397 | Scalar Multivariate Subdivision Schemes and Box Splines | Charina, M.; Conti, C.; Jetter, K.; Zimmermann, G. | 2009 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
396 | Finite element discretization and Newton-multigrid solution techniques for the log-conformation reformulation (LCR) of viscoelastic flow problems | Damanik, H.; Hron, J.; Ouazzi, A.; Turek, S. | 2009 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
395 | A flux-corrected finite element method for chemotaxis problems | Strehl, R.; Sokolov, A.; Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. | 2009 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
394 | Goal-oriented mesh adaptation for flux-limited approximations to steady hyperbolic problems | Kuzmin, D.; Möller, M. | 2009 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
393 | Numerical simulation and benchmarking of fluid-structure interaction with application to hemodynamics | Razzaq, M.; Turek, S.; Hron, J.; Acker, J. | 2009 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
392 | GPU Acceleration of an Unmodified Parallel Finite Element NavierStokes Solver | Göddeke, D.; Buijssen, S.; Wobker, H.; Turek, S. | 2009 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
391 | HONEI: A collection of libraries for numerical computations targeting multiple processor architectures | van Dyk, D.; Geveler, M.; Mallach, S.; Ribbrock, D.; Göddeke, D.; Gutwenger, C. | 2009 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
390 | A new multilevel grid deformation method | Grajewski, M.; Köster, M.; Turek, S. | 2009 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
389 | A vertex-based hierarchical slope limiter for p-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods | Kuzmin, D. | 2009 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
388 | Finite Element Simulation of Compressible Particle-Laden Gas Flows | Gurris, M.; Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. | 2009 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
387 | An investigation of frictional and collosional powder flows using unified constitutive equation | Kheiripour Langroudi, M.; Turek, S.; Ouazzi, A.; Tardos, G. | 2009 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
386 | Goal-oriented a posteriori error estimates for transport problems | Kuzmin, D.; Korotov, S. | 2009 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
385 | Numerical simulation of laminar incompressible fluid-structure interaction with application to aneurysm hemodynamics | Razzaq, M.; Turek, S.; Hron, J. | 2009 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
384 | An iterative method for the stokes type problem with variable viscosity | Grinevich, P.; Olshanskii, M. | 2009 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
383 | A Hierarchical Space-Time Solver for Optimal Distributed Control of Fluid Flow | Hinze, M.; Köster, M.; Turek, S. | 2008 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
382 | How to gain speedups of 1000 on single processors with fast FEM solvers - Benchmarking numerical and computational efficiency | Köster, M.; Göddeke, D.; Wobker, H.; Turek, S. | 2008 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
381 | Space Adaptive Finite Element Methods for Dynamic Obstacle Problems: Nr. 381 | Blum, H.; Rademacher, A.; Schröder, A. | 2008 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
380 | Space Adaptive Finite Element Methods for Dynamic Signorini Problems in the Simulation of the NC-Shape Grinding Process | Biermann, D.; Blum, H.; Jansen, T.; Rademacher, A.; Scheidler, .; Schröder, A.; Weinert, K. | 2008 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
379 | On Solving Frictional Contact Problems Part III: Unilateral Contact | Blum, H.; Kleemann, H.; Rademacher, S.; Schröder, A. | 2008 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
378 | On Solving Frictional Contact Problems Part II: Dynamic Case | Blum, H.; Kleemann, H.; Rademacher, S.; Schröder, A. | 2008 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
377 | On Solving Frictional Contact Problems Part I: Abstract Framework and the tatic Case | Blum, H.; Kleemann, H.; Rademacher, A.; Schröder, A. | 2008 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
376T | Bestimmung der Materialparameter des Spindel-Schleifscheiben-Systems mittels numerischer Parameteridentifikation | Biermann, D.; Blum, H.; Rademacher, A.; Schäckelhoff, M.; Scheidler, .; Weinert, K. | 2008 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
375 | Adaptive Finite Element Discretisation of the Spindle Grinding Wheel System | Blum, H.; Rademacher, A. | 2008 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
374 | Modeling and numerical aspects of population balance equations in gas/liquid-liquid two phase flows | Bayraktar, E.; Mierka, O.; Platte, F.; Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. | 2008 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
373 | A constrained finite element method satisfying the discrete maximum principle for anisotropic diffusion problems on arbitrary meshes | Kuzmin, D.; Shashkov, M.; Svyatskiy, D. | 2008 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
372 | A new multilevel grid deformation method | Grajewski, M.; Köster, M.; Turek, S. | 2008 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
371 | FEASTSolid and FEASTFlow: FEM applications exploiting FEAST`s HPC technologies | Buijssen, S.; Wobker, H.; Göddeke, D.; Turek, S. | 2008 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
370 | Performance and accuracy of hardware-oriented native-, emulated- and mixed-precision solvers in FEM simulations (Part 2: Double Precision GPUs) | Göddeke, D.; Strzodka, R. | 2008 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
369 | Maximum principle and gradient estimates for stationary solutions of the Navier--Stokes equations; a partly experimental investigation | Finn, R.; Ouazzi, A.; Turek, S. | 2008 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
368 | Error analysis of a projection method for the Navier--Stokes equations with coriolis force | Olshanskii, M.; Sokolov, A.; Turek, S. | 2008 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
367 | Co-processor acceleration of an unmodified parallel solid mechanics code with FEASTGPU | Göddeke, D.; Wobker, H.; Strzodka, R.; Mohd-Yusof, J.; McCormick, P.; Turek, S. | 2008 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
366 | Numerical simulation of laminar incompressible fluid-structure interaction for elastic material with point constraints | Razzaq, M.; Hron, J.; Turek, S. | 2008 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
365 | Mathematical and numerical analysis of a robust and efficient grid deformation method in the finite element context | Grajewski, M.; Köster, M.; Turek, S. | 2008 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
364T | AUTOMATIC CONTROL OF A HEAT EXCHANGER WITH CHANGING OPERATION CONDITIONS | Bayazit, S.; Bicer, K.; Kulali, G.; Müminoglu, M.; Torres, J. | 2008 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
363 | Particle trajectories by arc spraying with cored wires | Tillmann, W.; Vogli, E.; Abdulgader, M.; Gurris, M.; Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. | 2008 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
362T | A short description of the QPS-Reader and numerical results obtained with qipp | Rudak, N. | 2008 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
361 | Construction of Tight Wavelet Frames by Semi-definite Programming | Charina, M.; Stöckler, J. | 2008 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
360 | UCHPC - UnConventional High Performance Computing for finite element simulations | Turek, S.; Göddeke, D.; Becker, C.; Buijssen, S.; Wobker, H. | 2008 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
359 | A monolithic FEM approach for non-isothermal incompressible viscous flows | Damanik, H.; Hron, J.; Ouazzi, A.; Turek, S. | 2008 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
358 | Explicit and implicit FEM-FCT algorithms with flux linearization | Kuzmin, D. | 2008 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
357 | Numerical study of a discrete projection method for rotating incompressible flows | Sokolov, A.; Turek, S.; Olshanskii, M. | 2007 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
356 | Constraint qualification in structural topology optimization problems | Rasmussen, .; Achtziger, W.; Stolpe, M. | 2007 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
355 | Efficient simulation techniques of the Lattice Boltzmann equation on unstructured meshes | Hübner, T.; Turek, S. | 2007 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
354 | Exploring weak scalability for FEM calculations on a GPU-enhanced cluster | Göddeke, D.; Strzodka, R.; Mohd-Yusof, J.; McCormick, P.; Buijssen, S.; Grajewski, M.; Turek, S. | 2007 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
353 | Using GPUs to improve multigrid solver performance on a cluster | Göddeke, D.; Strzodka, R.; Mohd-Yusof, J.; McCormick, P.; Wobker, H.; Becker, C.; Turek, S. | 2007 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
352 | A discrete projection method for incompressible viscous flow with coriolis force | Sokolov, A.; Olshanskii, M.; Turek, S. | 2007 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
351 | Proposal for quantitative benchmark computations of bubble dynamics | Hysing, S.; Turek, S.; Kuzmin, D.; Parolini, N.; Burman, E.; Ganesan, S.; Tobiska, L. | 2007 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
350 | The Norm of the Laplace Operator Restriction to a Homogeneous Polynomial Space | Reimer, M. | 2007 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
349 | On Pressure Separation Algorithms (PSEPA) for improving the accuracy of incompressible flow simulations | Turek, S.; Ouazzi, A.; Hron, J. | 2007 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
348 | Effect of intermediated chemical compounds NO on the hybrid N2O decomposition under periodical flow reversal conditions | Lindner, F.; Platte, F.; Agar, D.; Turek, S. | 2007 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
347 | A new immersed boundary and moving mesh method for particulate flow | Anca, D.; Turek, S. | 2007 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
346 | Mathematical modeling and numerical simulations of reactive flows in channels | Platte, F.; Mierka, O.; Hysing, S.; Kashid, M.; Turek, S. | 2007 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
345 | On the implementation of the k-epsilon turbulence model in incompressible flow solvers based on a finite element discretization | Kuzmin, D.; Mierka, O.; Turek, S. | 2007 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
344 | On the hydrodynamics of liquid-liquid slug flow capillary microreactors | Kashid, M.; Rivas, D.; Agar, D.; Turek, S. | 2007 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
343 | An efficient and accurate short-characteristics solver for radiative transfer problems | Hübner, T.; Turek, S. | 2007 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
342 | Numerical studies of Vanka-type smoothers in computational solid mechanics | Wobker, H.; Turek, S. | 2007 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
341 | On the design of higher-order FEM satisfying the discrete maximum principle | Kuzmin, D. | 2007 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
340 | Implicit FEM-FCT algorithms and discrete Newton methods for transient convection problems | Möller, M.; Kuzmin, D.; Kourounis, D. | 2007 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
339 | Pressure schur complement preconditioners for the discrete oseen problem | Olshanskii, M.; Vassilevski, Y. | 2007 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
338 | Tight Wavelet Frames for Subdivision | Charina, M.; Stöckler, J. | 2006 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
337 | Tight Wavelet Frames for Irregular Multiresolution Analysis | Charina, M.; Stöckler, J. | 2006 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
336 | Slug flow capillary microreactor: Hydrodynamic study | Rivas, D.; Kashid, M.; Agar, D.; Turek, S. | 2006 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
335 | A new approach to a posteriori error estimation for convection-diffusion problems. I. Getting started | Korotov, S.; Kuzmin, D. | 2006 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
334 | Performance and accuracy of hardware-oriented native-, emulated- and mixed-precision solvers in FEM simulations | Göddeke, D.; Strzodka, R.; Turek, S. | 2006 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
333 | On extensions of square positive functionals | Möller, H. | 2006 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
332 | Integrating GPUs as fast co-processors into the existing parallel FE package FEAST | Göddeke, D.; Becker, C.; Turek, S. | 2006 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
331 | A Posteriori Error Estimates for a Model Friction Problem with predescribed normal force | Schröder, A.; Suttmeier, F. | 2006 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
330 | A Nonsmooth Newton-type Algorithm for Geometrical Contact Problems | Blum, H.; Schröder, A. | 2006 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
329 | A high-resolution scheme of TVD type for the Aw-Rascle Greenberg model of traffic flow | Gurris, M.; Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. | 2006 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
328 | Efficient solution techniques for implicit finite element schemes with flux limiters | Möller, M. | 2006 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
327 | Adaptivity techniques in High Performance FEM Simulation | Grajewski, M.; Turek, S. | 2006 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
326 | Numerical simulation of powder flow by Finite Element methods | Turek, S.; Ouazzi, A. | 2006 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
325 | CFD modelling of mass transfer with and without chemical reaction in the liquid-liquid slug flow capillary microreactor | Kashid, M.; Agar, D.; Turek, S. | 2006 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
324 | Population Balances Coupled with the CFD-Code FeatFlow | Kuzmin, D.; Mehrmann, V.; Schlauch, S.; Sokolov, A.; Turek, S. | 2006 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
323 | On Simultaneous Optimization of Truss Geometry and Topology | Achtziger, W. | 2006 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
322 | Finite elements in space and time for dynamic problems | Blum, H.; Jansen, T.; Rademacher, A.; Weinert, K. | 2006 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
321 | A monolithic FEM solver for an ale formulation of fluid-structure interaction with configuration for numerical benchmarking | Hron, J.; Turek, S. | 2006 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
320 | Fictitious boundary and moving mesh methods for the numerical simulation of particulate flow | Anca, D.; Turek, S.; Wan, D. | 2006 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
319 | Pipelined Mixed Precision Algorithms on FPGAs for Fast and Accurate PDE Solvers from Low Precision Components | Strzodka, R.; Göddeke, D. | 2006 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
318 | Frames and Non-stationary Vaguelettes Families | Beutel, L. | 2006 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
317 | Finite element simulation of turbulent bubbly flows | Mierka, O.; Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. | 2006 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
316 | Flow control on the basis of a FEATFLOW-MATLAB coupling | Henning, L.; Kuzmin, D.; Mehrmann, V.; Schmidt, M.; Sokolov, A.; Turek, S. | 2006 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
315 | Structural Topology Optimization with Eigenvalues | Achtziger, W.; Kocvara, M. | 2006 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
314 | FEM techniques for multiscale visualization of time-dependent flow fields | Acker, J.; Hron, J.; Preusser, T.; Rumpf, M.; Turek, S. | 2006 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
313 | On multigrid convergence for quadratic finite elements | Köster, M.; Turek, S. | 2006 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
312 | Proposal for numerical benchmarking of fluid-structure interaction between an elastic object and laminar incompressible flow | Turek, S.; Hron, J. | 2006 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
311 | A monolithic FEM/Multigrid solver for ALE formulation of fluid structure interaction with application in biomechanics | Hron, J.; Turek, S. | 2006 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
310 | Fictitious boundary and moving mesh methods for the numerical simulation of rigid particulate flows | Wan, D.; Turek, S. | 2006 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
309 | Global Optimization of Truss Topology w.r.t. Discrete Bar Areas - Part II: Implementation and Numerical Results | Achtziger, W.; Stolpe, M. | 2005 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
308 | Global Optimization of Truss Topology w.r.t. Discrete Bar Areas - Part I: Theory of Relaxed Problems | Achtziger, W.; Stolpe, M. | 2005 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
307 | FEAST: Development of HPC technologies for FEM applications | Becker, C.; Buijssen, S.; Wobker, H.; Turek, S. | 2005 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
306 | Efficient multigrid and data structures for edge-oriented FEM stabilization | Ouazzi, A.; Turek, S. | 2005 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
305 | Numerical Simulation of Coupled Fluid-Solid Systems by Fictitious Boundary and Grid Deformation Methods | Wan, .; Turek, S. | 2005 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
304 | New Problem Formulations for Simultaneous Optimization of Truss Geometry and Topology | Achtziger, W. | 2005 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
303T | On Standard Formulations for Optimization Problems With Vanishing Constraints | Achtziger, W. | 2005 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
302 | A semi-implicit FEM-FCT algorithm for efficient treatment of time-dependent problems | Kuzmin, D.; Kourounis, D. | 2005 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
301 | Mathematical Programs with Vanishing Constraints: Optimality Conditions and Constraint Qualifications | Achtziger, W.; Kanzow, C. | 2005 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
300 | GPGPU-Basic Math Tutorial | Göddeke, D. | 2005 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
299 | On the design of general-purpose flux limiters for implicit FEM with a consistent mass matrix | Kuzmin, D. | 2005 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
298 | Finite element simulation of turbulent bubbly flows in gas-liquid reactors | Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S.; Haario, H. | 2005 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
297 | Adaptive mesh refinement for high-resolution finite element schemes | Möller, M.; Kuzmin, D. | 2005 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
296 | A note on optimal multigrid convergence for higher-order FEM | Köster, M.; Turek, S. | 2005 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
295 | A new implicit surface tension implementation for interfacial flows | Hysing, S. | 2005 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
294 | Numerical analysis and practical aspects of a robust and efficient grid deformation method in the finite element context | Grajewski, M.; Köster, M.; Kilian, S.; Turek, S. | 2005 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
293 | High Performance FEM Simulation in CFD and CSM | Buijssen, S.; Wobker, H.; Turek, S. | 2005 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
292 | Accelerating Double Precision FEM Simulations with GPUs | Göddeke, D.; Strzodka, R.; Turek, S. | 2005 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
291T | Modifications on the Jacobi-Davidson Method for Usage in Topology Optimization of Structures | Moritzen, K. | 2005 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
290 | Speed-up of FEM simulation for granular flow via optimised Numerical linear Algebra software | Köster, M.; Platte, F.; Turek, S. | 2005 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
289 | Asymptotics in Generalized Hyperinterpolation | Reimer, M. | 2005 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
288 | Hydrodynamics of liquid-liquid slug flow capillary microreactor | Kashid, M.; Agar, D. | 2005 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
287 | Cylinder Flow Benchmark with Commercial Software Package - A Comparative Study | Feng, X.; Köster, M.; Zhang, L. | 2005 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
286 | Fluid-structure interaction with applications in biomechanics | Hron, J. | 2005 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
285 | Implicit finite element discretizations based on the flux corrected transport algorithm | Möller, M.; Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. | 2005 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
284 | Unified edge-oriented stabilization of nonconforming finite element methods for incompressible flow problems | Ouazzi, A.; Turek, S. | 2005 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
283 | On the design of flux limiters for finite element discretizations with a consistent mass matrix | Kuzmin, D. | 2005 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
282 | Numerical analysis of a new time-stepping theta-scheme for incompressible flow simulations | Turek, S.; Rivkind, L.; Hron, J.; Glowinski, R. | 2005 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
281 | Foot points and total curvature | Selimovic, I. | 2005 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
280 | The eikonal equation: Numerical efficiency vs. algorithmic complexity on quadrilateral grids | Hysing, S.; Turek, S. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
279 | Computational modelling of slug flow in a capillary microreactor | Kashid, M.; Platte, F.; Agar, D.; Turek, S. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
278 | Internal circulation within the liquid slugs of liquid-liquid slug flow capillary microreactor | Kashid, M.; Gerlach, I.; Goetz, S.; Franzke, J.; Acker, J.; Platte, F.; Agar, D.; Turek, S. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
277 | An Efficient Multigrid-FEM Method for the Simulation of Liquid-Solid Two Phase Flows | Wan, D.; Turek, S. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
276 | Implicit FEM-FCT algorithm for compressible flows | Möller, M.; Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
275 | Direct numerical simulation of particulate flow via multigrid FEM techniques and the fictitious boundary method | Wan, D.; Turek, S. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
274 | Benchmark computations based on Lattice-Boltzmann, Finite Element and Finite Volume Methods for laminar Flows | Geller, S.; Krafczyk, M.; Tölke, J.; Turek, S.; Hron, J. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
273 | Influence of axially structured catalyst in reverse flow reactor on the hybrid N2O decomposition | Nalpantidis, K.; Platte, F.; Agar, D.; Turek, S. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
272 | Novel simulation approaches for cyclic-steady-state fixed-bed processes exhibiting sharp fronts and shocks | Platte, F.; Kuzmin, D.; Fredebeul, C.; Turek, S. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
271 | High Performance FEM Simulation | Buijssen, S.; Grajewski, M.; Turek, S.; Wobker, H. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
270 | Algebraic flux correction III. incompressible flow problems | Turek, S.; Kuzmin, D. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
269 | Finite element methods for the simulation of incompressible powder flow | Hron, J.; Ouazzi, A.; Turek, S. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
268 | Nonstationary Tight Wavelet Frames, II: Unbounded Intervals | Chui, C.; He, W.; Stöckler, J. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
267 | Optimised mesh design for FE-Galerkin schemes using global norms | Suttmeier, F. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
266 | Accelerated Power Control for CDMA Systems with Beamforming or Multiuser Detection | Leibig, C.; Dekorsky, A.; Fliege, J. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
265T | On Plasticity with Hardening: An Adaptive Finite Element Discretisation | Suttmeier, F. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
264 | Optimization and Parallelization of Loop Nests via Linear Vector-Valued Schedules | Achtziger, W.; Popp, A.; Zimmermann, K. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
263 | Adaptive Computational Methods for Variational Inequalities | Suttmeier, F. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
262 | Internal circulations inside the liquid slugs of liquid-liquid slug flow capillary microreactor | Kashid, M.; Acker, J.; Platte, F.; Agar, D.; Turek, S. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
261 | Consistent error estimation of FE-approximations of variational inequalities | Suttmeier, F. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
260T | On concepts of PDE-Software: The cellwise oriented approach in DEAL | Suttmeier, F. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
259 | Finite Element analysis of the torsion problems | Suttmeier, F. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
258 | Reliable, goal-oriented postprocessing for FE-discretisations | Suttmeier, F. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
257 | Goal-oriented error-estimation and postprocessing for FE-discretisations of variational inequalities | Suttmeier, F. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
256 | On a direct approach to adaptive FE-discretisations for elliptic variational inequalities | Suttmeier, F. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
255T | Numerical laboratory for master`s course in ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION | Kashid, M.; Rivkind, L.; Turek, S. | 2004 | [BibTeX] |
254 | Numerical simulation of turbulent bubbly flows | Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
253 | Multidimensional FEM-TVD paradigm for convection-dominated flows | Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
252 | A New Adaptive Algorithm for Convex Quadratic Multicriteria Optimization | Heermann, C.; Weyers, B.; Fliege, J. | 2004 | [BibTeX] |
251 | Counting zeros of polynomials by their Bèzier ordinates | Möller, H. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
250 | Algebraic Flux Correction II. Compressible Euler Equations | Kuzmin, D.; Möller, M. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
249 | Algebraic Flux Correction I. Scalar Conservation Laws | Kuzmin, D.; Möller, M. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
248 | An Efficient Interior-Point Method for Convex Multicriteria Optimization Problems | Fliege, J. | 2004 | [BibTeX] |
248 | An Efficient Interior-Point Method for Convex Multicriteria Optimization Problems | Fliege, J. | 2004 | [BibTeX] |
247 | Dual weighted a posteriori error estimation for a new nonconforming linear finite element on quadrilaterals | Grajewski, M.; Hron, J.; Turek, S. | 2004 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
246 | On a Definition of Singular Optima and corresponding optimality conditions | Achtziger, W. | 2003 | [BibTeX] |
245 | An efficient multigrid FEM solution technique for incompressible flow with moving rigrid bodies | Wan, D.; Turek, S.; Rivkind, L. | 2003 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
244T | Zur Entwicklung eines guten Programmstils | Fliege, J. | 2003 | [BibTeX] |
243 | On the Implementation of a Generalized Hyperinterpolation Process | Reimer, M. | 2003 | [BibTeX] |
242 | New Polynomial Preserving Operators on Simplices | Jetter, K.; Stöckler, J. | 2003 | [BibTeX] |
241 | Numerical methods and simulation techniques for flow with shear and pressure dependent viscosity | Ouazzi, A.; Turek, S. | 2003 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
240T | Endbericht der Projektgruppe DeViSoR | PG DeViSoR, . | 2003 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
239 | Extension of positive functionals and cubature formulae | Möller, H. | 2003 | [BibTeX] |
238 | Numerical analysis and a-posteriori error control for a new nonconformining linear finite element on quadrilaterals | Grajewski, M.; Hron, J.; Turek, S. | 2003 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
237 | parpp3d++ - a parallel HPC code for the incompressible nonstationary Navier--Stokes equations | Buijssen, S.; Turek, S. | 2003 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
236 | The fictitious boundary method for the implicit treatment of Dirichlet boundary conditions with applications to incompressible flow simulations | Turek, S.; Wan, D.; Rivkind, L. | 2003 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
235 | Hardware-oriented numerics and concepts for PDE software | Turek, S.; Becker, C.; Kilian, S. | 2003 | [BibTeX] |
234 | User Guide parpp3d++; A Parallel C++ Version of the pp3d Module in Featflow | Buijssen, S. | 2003 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
233 | A Posteriori Error bounds for finite element schemes for a model friction problem | Blum, H.; Schröder, A.; Suttmeier, F. | 2003 | [BibTeX] |
232 | A Cascadic Multigrid Algorithm for Variational Inequalities | Blum, H.; Braess, D.; Suttmeier, F. | 2003 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
231 | High resolution FEM-FCT schemes for multidimenstional conservation laws | Kuzmin, D.; Möller, M.; Turek, S. | 2003 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
230 | Nonstationary Tight Wavelet Frames on Bounded Intervals | Chui, C.; Wenjie, H.; Stöckler, J. | 2003 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
229 | High resolution FEM-TVD schemes based on a fully multidimensional flux limiter | Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. | 2003 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
228 | A computational comparison of two FEM solvers for nonlinear incompressible flow | Hron, J.; Ouazzi, A.; Turek, S. | 2003 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
227 | A Multicriteria Approach to Bilevel Optimization | Fliege, J.; Vicente, L. | 2003 | [BibTeX] |
226 | On a lower bound of the second moment of the quadratic Schoenberg operator | Beutel, L. | 2003 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
225 | Core formation: A new modelling approach | Ziethe, R.; Spohn, T.; Turek, S. | 2002 | [BibTeX] |
224 | Recent Development of Spline Wavelet Frames with Compact Support | Chui, C.; Stöckler, J. | 2002 | [BibTeX] |
223 | An Identitiy for Mulitvariate Bernstein Polynomials | Jetter, K.; Stöckler, J. | 2002 | [BibTeX] |
222 | Finite element discretization and iterative solution techniques for multiphase flows in gas-liquid reactors | Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. | 2002 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
221 | Implicit flux-corrected transport algorithm for finite element simulation of the compressible Euler equations | Möller, M.; Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. | 2002 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
220 | On the numerical simulation on induced anisotropy in polar ice | Gödert, G.; Suttmeier, F. | 2002 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
219 | Sources of parallel inefficiency for incompressible CFD simulations | Buijssen, S.; Turek, S. | 2002 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
218 | Fully coupled and operator-splitting approaches for natural convection flows in enclosures | Turek, S.; Schmachtel, R. | 2002 | [BibTeX] |
217 | FEATFLOW in a Windows environment | Köster, M. | 2002 | [BibTeX] [PDF] |
216 | Multigrid methods for stabilized nonconforming finite elements for incompressible flow involving the deformation tensor formulation | Turek, S.; Ouazzi, A.; Schmachtel, R. | 2002 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
215 | Multidimensional FEM-FCT schemes for arbitrary time-stepping | Kuzmin, D.; Möller, M.; Turek, S. | 2002 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
214 | Tight Frames with Maximum Vanishing Moments and Minimum Support | Chui, C.; He, W.; Stöckler, J. | 2002 | [BibTeX] |
213 | Compactly Supported Tight Affine Frames with Integer Dilations and Maximum Vanishing Moments | Chui, C.; He, W.; Stöckler, J.; Sun, Q. | 2002 | [BibTeX] |
212 | Multivariate refinable functions of high approximation order via quotient ideals of Laurent polynomials | Möller, H.; Sauer, T. | 2002 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
211 | Constructing Approximations to the Efficient Set of Couvex Quadratic Multiobjective Problems | Fliege, J.; Heseler, A. | 2002 | [BibTeX] |
210 | Cyclic steady state behaviour of a reverse flow reactor in analysis of high temperature reactions | Platte, F.; Turek, S.; Agar, D.; Fredebeul, C. | 2001 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
209 | Flux correction tools for finite elements | Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. | 2001 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
208 | (0,2) Pàl-type Interpolation: A General Method for Regularity | de Bruin, M.; Mache, D. | 2002 | [BibTeX] |
207 | (0,1) Pàl-type Interpolation: A Genearal Method for Regularity | de Bruin, M.; Mache, D. | 2002 | [BibTeX] |
206 | On nonsymmetric two-dimensional viscous flow through an aperture | Rivkind, L.; Solonnikov, V. | 2001 | [BibTeX] |
205 | Jeffrey-Hamel asyptotics for steady state Navier-Stokes flow in domains with sector like outlets to infinity | Rivkind, L.; Solonnikov, V. | 2001 | [BibTeX] |
204T | Skript zur Vorlesung `Kontinuierliche Optimierung` | Fischer, A. | 2001 | [BibTeX] |
203 | Local Behavior of an Iterative Framework for generalized Equations with Nonisolated Solutions | Fischer, A. | 2001 | [BibTeX] |
202 | Analysis of unsteady airfoils at low speeds | Bertran, X.; Olivier, H.; Turek, S. | 2001 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
201 | Adaptive Finite Elements for contact problems: Case studies in high-speed machining | Blum, H.; Suttmeier, F. | 2001 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
200T | Script zur Vorlesung `Diskrete Optimierung` | Fliege, J.; Fischer, A. | 2001 | [BibTeX] |
199 | Generalized Methods using Integral Transforms and Concolution Structures with Orthogonal Polynomials | Mache, D. | 2001 | [BibTeX] |
198 | Multiple Order Double Output Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg Formulae: Strategies for Efficient Application | Fredebeul, C.; Kornmaier, D.; Müller, . | 2001 | [BibTeX] |
197T | Zur Anwendung direkter Löser bei der direkten Berechnung periodisch stationärer Zustände eines Strömungsumkehrreaktors | Fredebeul, C.; Platte, F. | 2000 | [BibTeX] |
196 | Efficient numerical techniques for flow simulation in bubble column reactors | Kuzmin, D.; Turek, S. | 2000 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
195 | Harte Nuss: Numerische Simulation von Strömungen | Turek, S. | 2000 | [BibTeX] |
194 | CFD for incompressible flow: Numerical efficiency vs. gigaflops | Turek, S. | 2000 | [BibTeX] |
193 | Postprocessing of FEATFLOW data with the particle tracing tool GMVPT (Version 1.2) | Acker, J.; Turek, S. | 2000 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF] |
192 | A numerical investigation of flows of shear-thinning fluids with applications to blood rheology | Hron, J.; Màlek, J.; Turek, S. | 2000 | [BibTeX] |
191 | An efficient Navier--Stokes solver for automotive aerodynamics | Becker, C.; Rannacher, R.; Turek, S. | 2000 | [BibTeX] |
190T | Dynamische und stationäre Simulation des Reaktionsverhaltens eines Strömungsumkehrreaktors | Platte, F.; Fredebeul, C. | 2000 | [BibTeX] |
189 | A Shooting Method for Symbolic Computation of Splines | Fredebeul, C. | 2000 | [BibTeX] |
188 | The Method of Left Baskakov Quasi-Interpolants | Mache, D.; Müller, . | 2000 | [BibTeX] |
187 | H-Bases II: Applications to Numerical Problems | Möller, .; Sauer, T. | 2000 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
186 | H-Bases I: The Foundation | Möller, .; Sauer, T. | 2000 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
185 | Approximation Methods by using Orthogonal Polynomial Expansions | Lasser, R.; Mache, D.; Obermaier, J. | 2002 | [BibTeX] |
184 | Approximation by Bernstein Quasi-Interpolants | Mache, P.; Mache, D. | 2000 | [BibTeX] |
183 | Solution Point Characterization and Convergence Analysis of a Descent Algorithm for Nonsmooth Continuous Complementarity Problems | Fischer, A.; Jeyakumar, V.; Luc, D. | 2000 | [BibTeX] |
182 | The central approximation theorems for the method of the left Gamma quasi-interpolants in Lp-spaces | Müller, M. | 1999 | [BibTeX] |
181 | Newton and Lagrange Representation of Kergin Interpolants | Maier, U. | 1999 | [BibTeX] |
180 | The Semismooth Algorithm for Large Scale Complementarity Problems | Fischer, A.; Munson, T.; Facchinei, F.; Ferris, M.; Kanzow, C. | 1999 | [BibTeX] |
179 | Weighted Error Estimates for Finite Element Solutions of Variational Inequalities | Blum, H.; Suttmeier, F. | 1999 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
178 | Discretized Newman-Shapiro Operators and Jackson`s Inequality on the Sphere | Reimer, M. | 1999 | [BibTeX] |
175 | Ordnungsdynamische Dense Output Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg Verfahren II: Strategien der Anwendung | Fredebeul, C.; Kornmaier, D. | 1999 | [BibTeX] |
174 | Ordnungsdynamische Dense Output Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg Verfahren I: Techniken der Konstruktion | Fredebeul, C.; Kornmaier, D. | 1999 | [BibTeX] |
173 | An Adaptive Finite Element Discretisation for a Simplified Signorini Problem | Blum, H.; Suttmeier, F. | 1999 | [Abstract] [BibTeX] |
172 | Merit Functions - A Survey | Fischer, A.; Jiang, H. | 1999 | [BibTeX] |
171 | Bivariate Spline-Interpolation with optimal approximation order | Davydov, O.; Nürnberger, G.; Zeilfelder, F. | 1999 | [BibTeX] |
170 | H-bases for polynomial interpolation and system solving | Möller, H.; Sauer, T. | 1999 | [BibTeX] |
169 | Approximation and interpolation with radial functions | Buhmann, M. | 1999 | [BibTeX] |
168 | Exact computation of the generalized inverse and the least-squares solution | Möller, H. | 1999 | [BibTeX] |
167 | Interpolation by Splines on Triangulations | Davydov, O.; Nürnberger, G.; Zeilfelder, F. | 1998 | [BibTeX] |
166 | Interpolation by Weak Chebyshev Spaces | Davydov, O.; Sommer, M. | 1998 | [BibTeX] |
165 | Interpolation By C1Splines of Degree q>4 on Triangulations | Davydov, O.; Nürnberger, G. | 1998 | [BibTeX] |
164 | A New Class of Radial Basis Functions with Compact Support | Buhmann, M. | 1998 | [BibTeX] |
163 | (C,I) Means of Orthonormal Expansions for Exponential Weights | Lubinsky, D.; Mache, D. | 1998 | [BibTeX] |
162 | Certain Results Involving Gammaoperators | Lupas, A.; Mache, D.; Maier, V.; Müller, M. | 1998 | [BibTeX] |
161T | Skript zur Vorlesung Innere-Punkt-Methoden | Fliege, J. | 1998 | [BibTeX] |
160T | On the Identification of Zero Variables in an Interior-Point Framework: Complete Numerical Results | Facchinei, F.; Fischer, A.; Facchinei, K. | 1998 | [BibTeX] |
159 | On the Identification of Zero Variables in an Interior-Point Framework | Fischer, A.; Facchinei, K. | 1998 | [BibTeX] |
158 | Solving Convex Location Problems with Gauges in Polynomial Time | Fliege, J. | 1998 | [BibTeX] |
157 | LiMA - A Generic Class Library for Mesh Representation in 2 D/ 3 D | Blum, H.; Langer, A.; Schröder, A. | 1998 | [BibTeX] |
156 | Polynomials which minimize certain functionals | Lupas, A. | 1998 | [BibTeX] |
155T | LiMA - A Generic Class Library for Mesh Representation in 2D/3D | Blum, H.; Langer, A.; Schröder, A. | 1998 | [BibTeX] |
154 | Special Cases and Efficient Algorithms for Multithreaded Dimension Reduction in Location Theory | Fliege, J. | 1998 | [BibTeX] |
153 | Multithreaded Dimension Reduction in Location Theory | Fliege, J. | 1998 | [BibTeX] |
152 | A Polynomial Time Coincidence Detector for Multifacility Location Problems | Fliege, J.; Michelot, .; Plastria, . | 1998 | [BibTeX] |
151 | A treatment of Rosenbrock methods within Albrecht`s linear Runge-Kutta theory | Fredebeul, C.; Greve, M. | 1997 | [BibTeX] |
150 | Insight into Linear Multistep Formulae from the Infinite Point of View | Fredebeul, C. | 1997 | [BibTeX] |
149 | Merit Functions and Stability for Complementarity Problems | Fischer, A. | 1997 | [BibTeX] |
148 | Coincidence Conditions in Mulitfacility Location Problems with Positive and Negative Weights | Fliege, J. | 1997 | [BibTeX] |
147 | Direct and Inverse Estimates for Bernstein Polynomials | Felten, M. | 1997 | [BibTeX] |
146 | Nonnegative Polynomials with a Constraint which Minimize Certain Integrals | Reimer, M. | 1997 | [BibTeX] |
145 | Linear Combinations of Gammaoperators in Lp-Spaces | Mache, D.; Lupas, A.; Maier, V.; Müller, M. | 1997 | [BibTeX] |
144 | A note on On Pareto optima, the Fermat-Weber problem and polyhedral gauges | Fliege, J. | 1997 | [BibTeX] |
143 | Identifiying Linear Combinations of Ridge Functions | Buhmann, M.; Pinkus, A. | 1997 | [BibTeX] |
142 | An Interior Point Method for Multifacility Location Problems with Forbidden Regions | Fliege, J.; Nickel, S. | 1997 | [BibTeX] |
141T | Über dne Einsatz von Quasi-Newton-Verfahren in DAGL-Lösern | Fredebeul, C.; Weber, C. | 1996 | [BibTeX] |
140 | Node Distributions on the Unit Sphere with Fundamental Matrices Diagonal-Dominant in the Four Norm | Reimer, M. | 1996 | [BibTeX] |
139T | A Two-Stage Approach for Computing Cubature Formulae for the Sphere | Fliege, J.; Maier, U. | 1996 | [BibTeX] |
138 | The Average Size of Certain Gram-Determinants and Interpolation on Non-Compact Sets | Reimer, M. | 1996 | [BibTeX] |
137 | Radon-Transform, Laplace-Series and Matrix-Transforms | Reimer, M. | 1996 | [BibTeX] |
136 | Some Inequalities for Derivatives of Trigonometric and Algebraic Polynomials | Felten, M.; Kilgore, T. | 1996 | [BibTeX] |
132 | A Smoothness Concept for Weighted Lp Spaces on [-1,1] | Felten, M. | 1995 | [BibTeX] |
131 | A ( )-stable Formulae of Adams-Type | Fredebeul, C. | 1995 | [BibTeX] |
130 | Leading Coefficients and Extreme Points of Homogeneous Polynomials | Reimer, M. | 1995 | [BibTeX] |
129 | Error Estimates of an Algebraic Convolution Operator by an Algebraic Modulus of Smoothness | Felten, M.; Mache, D. | 1995 | [BibTeX] |
128 | A Link between Bernstein Polynomials and Durrmeyer Polynomials with Jacobi Weight | Mache, D. | 1995 | [BibTeX] |
127 | A-BDF: A Generalization of the Backward-Difference-Formulae | Fredebeul, C. | 1995 | [BibTeX] |
126 | How to Detect Nondifferentiabilities and to Reduce Dimension in Minisum Mulitfacility Location Problems | Fliege, J. | 1995 | [BibTeX] |
125 | Some New Coincide Conditions in Minisum Multifacility Location Problems with Mixed Gauges | Fliege, J. | 1995 | [BibTeX] |
124 | Characterization of best algebraic approximation by an algebraic modulus of smoothness | Felten, M. | 1995 | [BibTeX] |
123 | A modulus of smoothness based on an algebraic addition | Felten, M. | 1994 | [BibTeX] |
122 | On Numerical Differentiation | Lupas, A.; Mache, D. | 1994 | [BibTeX] |
121 | Weighted Lp-Approximation of Derivatives by the Mehtod of Gammaoperators | Lupas, A.; Mache, D.; Müller, M. | 1994 | [BibTeX] |
120 | Biorthogonal series expansions of x-ray and k-plane transform | Rosier, M. | 1994 | [BibTeX] |
119 | Zonal Spherical Polynomials with Minimal L1-Norm | Reimer, M. | 1994 | [BibTeX] |
118 | A Short Proof of a Result of Kogbetliantz on the Positivity of Certain Cesàro Means | Reimer, M. | 1994 | [BibTeX] |
117 | Uniform Inequalities for Gegenbauer Polynomials | Reimer, M. | 1994 | [BibTeX] |
116 | The Runge-Kutta Theory in a Nutshell | Albrecht, P. | 1993 | [BibTeX] |
115 | Characterization Theorems for the Approximation by a Family Operators | Mache, D.; Zhou, D. | 1993 | [BibTeX] |
114 | Best Direct and Converse Results by Lagrange-Type Operators | Mache, D.; Zhou, D. | 1993 | [BibTeX] |
113 | Equally Weighted Quadrature Rules on the Sphere. Survey and Results | Reimer, M. | 1993 | [BibTeX] |
112 | Interpolationg Multivariate Rational Splines of Special Forms in R. | Tan, J. | 1992 | [BibTeX] |
111 | A Method for Summability of Lagrange Interpolation | Mache, D. | 1992 | [BibTeX] |
110 | Saturation of Linear Combinations of Positive Linear Operators | Heilmann, M. | 1992 | [BibTeX] |
108a | Rate of Approximation of Weighted Derivatives by Linear Combinations of SMD Operators | Heilmann, M. | 1992 | [BibTeX] |
108 | The Degree of Approximation by a Class of Linear Positive Operators | Lupas, A.; Mache, D. | 1992 | [BibTeX] |
107 | On the Existence of Gauss-like Node-Distributions on High-Dimensional Spheres | Reimer, M. | 1992 | [BibTeX] |
106 | Shooting Methods for Two-Point BVPs with Partially Separated Endconditions. Part II | Hermann, M.; Kaiser, D. | 1992 | [BibTeX] |
104 | Fuzzy-Mengen, Fuzzy-Logik und ihre Anwendungen | Frank, H. | 1992 | [BibTeX] |
103 | Equivalence Theorem on Weighted Simultaneous Lp-Approximation by the Method of Kantorovic Operators | Mache, D. | 1991 | [BibTeX] |
101 | Remark on Best Harmonic Approximation on Ellipsoids | Kubach, P. | 1991 | [BibTeX] |
100 | Shooting Methods for Two-Point BVPs with Partially Separated Endconditions. Part I. | Hermann, M.; Kaiser, D. | 1990 | [BibTeX] |
099 | Approximation by Vn-Operators | Lupas, A.; Mache, D. | 1990 | [BibTeX] |
098 | Weighted Simultaneous Lp-Approximation by the Method of Kantorovic-Operators | Mache, D. | 1990 | [BibTeX] |
096 | Representation of Spline Interpolants on the Finite Equidistant Grid | Reimer, M. | 1990 | [BibTeX] |
095 | The Construction of Periodic Birkhoff-Spline-Interpolants on the Equidistant Lattice | Reimer, M. | 1989 | [BibTeX] |
094 | Numerical Inversion of the Radon Transform on Poly-nomial Spaces | Rosier, M.; Sündermann, B. | 1989 | [BibTeX] |
093 | Fundamentalsysteme mit lokal erfüllten Extremalbedingungen 1. und 2. Ordnung für Räume shärischer harmonischer Polynome | Reimer, M. | 1989 | [BibTeX] |
092 | Zur reellen Darstellung periodischer Hermite-Spline-Interpolierender bei äquidistantem Gitter mit Knotenshift | Reimer, M. | 1988 | [BibTeX] |
091 | Cardinal Hermite-Spline-Interpolation on the Equidistant Lattice | Reimer, M. | 1988 | [BibTeX] |
090 | Numerische Berechnung extremaler Fundamentalsysteme für Polynomräume über der Vollkugel | Linde, U.; Reimer, M.; Sündermann, B. | 1988 | [BibTeX] |
088 | Die Wirkung der Radon-Transformation auf Polynomräume | Reimer, M. | 1988 | [BibTeX] |
087 | Optimal refinement near singularities | Reimer, M. | 1988 | [BibTeX] |
083 | For the numerical solution of O.D. Es by a-methods using the Tau-modulus | Quak, E. | 1987 | [BibTeX] |
081 | Saturation of a new method of Kantorovic type Meyer-König and Zeller operators | Müller, M. | 1987 | [BibTeX] |
080 | Günstige Knoten für die Interpolation mit homogenen harmonischen Polynomen | Reimer, M.; Sündermann, B. | 1986 | [BibTeX] |
079 | Mulitvariate Lp-error estimates for positive linear operators vis the First-order tau-modulus | Quak, E. | 1986 | [BibTeX] |
078 | Lp-error estimates for positive linear operators using the second-order Tau-modulus | Quak, E. | 1986 | [BibTeX] |
077 | Approximation by Cheney-Sharma-Kantorovic polynomials in the Lp-metric | Müller, M. | 1986 | [BibTeX] |
075 | A Remez-type algorithm for the calculation of extremal fundamental systems for polynomial spaces on the sphere | Reimer, M.; Sündermann, B. | 1985 | [BibTeX] |
074 | Cardinal interpolation by polynomial Splines: Interpolation of Data with exponential Growth | Siepmann, D. | 1985 | [BibTeX] |
073 | An element algebraic representation of polynomial spline interpolants for equidistant lattics and its condition | Reimer, M. | 1985 | [BibTeX] |
072 | Interpolation on the sphere and bounds for the lagrangian square sums | Reimer, M. | 1985 | [BibTeX] |
071 | Der Remez-Algorithmus für die rationale Tschebyscheff-Approximation | Müller, M.; Häusler, J. | 1984 | [BibTeX] |
070 | The main roots of the Euler-Frobenius polynomials | Reimer, M. | 1984 | [BibTeX] |
069 | Die Whittakerkonstante | Grundmann, A. | 1984 | [BibTeX] |
068 | On Projection Constants of Polynomial Spaces on the unit ball in several Variables | Sündermann, B. | 1984 | [BibTeX] |
067 | Optimale Knoten für K-fache Lagrangesche Numerische Differentation | Müller, M. | 1984 | [BibTeX] |
065 | Multigrid solution of bifurcation problems | Mittelmann, H. | 1983 | [BibTeX] |
063 | Best constants occuring with the modulus of continuity in the error estimate for spline interpolants of odd degree on equidistant grids | Reimer, M. | 1983 | [BibTeX] |
062 | The radius of convergence of a cardinal Lagrangian-Spline series of odd degree | Reimer, M. | 1983 | [BibTeX] |
061 | On the uniform norm of an aribtrary coefficient functional over finite dimensional subspace of C(D) | Reimer, M. | 1982 | [BibTeX] |
060 | On a minimal property of cubic periodic Lagrangian Splines | Siepmann, D.; Sündermann, B. | 1982 | [BibTeX] |
059 | A fast solver for nonlinear eigenvalue problems | Mittelmann, H. | 1982 | [BibTeX] |
058 | Multi-grid methods for simple bifurcation problems | Mittelmann, H. | 1982 | [BibTeX] |
057 | On Multi-grid methods for variational inequalities | Hackbusch, W. | 1981 | [BibTeX] |
056 | A Bibliography on nunmerical Mehtods for bifurcation problems | Mittelmann, H.; Weber, H. | 1981 | [BibTeX] |
055 | Numerical solution of a class of nonlinear bundary value problems for analytic functions | Weber, H. | 1981 | [BibTeX] |
054 | Extremal spline bases | Reimer, M. | 1981 | [BibTeX] |
053 | On the numerical solution of some finite-dimensional bifurcation problems | Weber, H.; Werner, W. | 1981 | [BibTeX] |
052 | The numerical stability of Lagrangian-form-evaluation | Rack, H.; Reimer, M. | 1981 | [BibTeX] |
051 | Über die Methode der integrierten Schoenberg-Splines | Müller, M. | 1981 | [BibTeX] |
050 | Langsame Approximation der Identität | Grundmann, A. | 1980 | [BibTeX] |
049 | On the numerical solution of contact problems | Mittelmann, H. | 1980 | [BibTeX] |
048 | On the nurmerical approximation of secondary bifurcation problems | Weber, H. | 1980 | [BibTeX] |
047 | On the efficient solution of nonlinear finite element problems | Mittelmann, H. | 1980 | [BibTeX] |
046 | Numerical computation of the Fourier transform using Laguerre functions and the Fast Fourier Transform | Weber, H. | 1980 | [BibTeX] |
045 | Numerical methods for bifurcation problems - a survey and classification | Mittelmann, H.; Weber, H. | 1980 | [BibTeX] |
044 | Lebesgue constants in Lagrangrian interpolation at the Fekete points | Sündermann, B. | 1980 | [BibTeX] |
043 | An extension of the Freud-Popov lemma | Müller, M. | 1980 | [BibTeX] |
042 | Extremal bases for normed vector spaces | Reimer, M. | 1979 | [BibTeX] |
041 | Best approximations to polynomials in the mean and norms of coefficient-functionals | Reimer, M. | 1979 | [BibTeX] |
039 | Bemerkungen zur Whittaker-Konstanten | Grundmann, A. | 1979 | [BibTeX] |
038 | An efficient algortihm for large sparse nonlinear programming problems | Mittelmann, H. | 1979 | [BibTeX] |
037 | Shooting methods for bifurcations problemns in ordinary differential equations | Weber, H. | 1979 | [BibTeX] |
036 | On the chaqracterisation of the bound and the scattering states for time-dependent Hamiltonians | Veselic, K. | 1979 | [BibTeX] |
035 | The local L1 saturation class of integrated Meyer-König and Zeller operators | Maier, V.; Swetits, J.; Müller, M. | 1979 | [BibTeX] |
034 | On some new inclusion theorems for eigenvalues of partitioned matrices | Meyer, D.; Veselic, K. | 1979 | [BibTeX] |
033 | Numerical solution of Hopf bifurcation problems | Weber, H. | 1979 | [BibTeX] |
032 | On the accurate determination on nonisolated solution of nonlinear equations | Weber, H.; Werner, W. | 1979 | [BibTeX] |
031 | Eine Verallgemeinerung eines Satzes von Crandall und Rabinowitz aus der Verzweigungstheorie | Weber, H. | 1979 | [BibTeX] |
030 | Zur numerischen Behandlung gestörter Verzweigungsprobleme | Weber, H. | 1979 | [BibTeX] |
029 | On the efficient solution of nonlinear finite element equations | Mittelmann, H. | 1979 | [BibTeX] |
028 | A quadratically convergent Jacobi-like method for real matrices with complex eigenvalue | Veselic, K.; Wenzel, H. | 1979 | [BibTeX] |
027 | Numerische Behandlung von Verzweigungsproblemen bie gewöhnlichen Randwertaufgaben | Weber, H. | 1979 | [BibTeX] |
026 | A global Jacobi method for a symmetric indefinite Problem Sx= lamda Tx | Veselic, K. | 1978 | [BibTeX] |
025 | Numerische Behandlung von Verzweigungsproblemen bei gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen | Weber, H. | 1978 | [BibTeX] |
024 | On optimal linearisation of a quadratic eigenvalue problem | Veselic, K. | 1978 | [BibTeX] |
023 | On real eigenvalues of real tridiagonal matrices | Veselic, K. | 1978 | [BibTeX] |
021 | On a singular contact problem for two-dimensional Laplace equation | Aqanovic, K.; Veselic, K. | 1977 | [BibTeX] |
020 | A note on a new class of elementary matrices | Veselic, K. | 1977 | [BibTeX] |
019 | Approximation of the identity in linear normed spaces | Grundmann, A. | 1977 | [BibTeX] |
018 | On a class of Jacobi-like procedures for diagonalizing arbitrary real matrices | Veselic, K. | 1977 | [BibTeX] |
017 | Saturation theorems for Bernstein polynomials in Banachsubspaces fo C (I,IR) | Grundmann, A. | 1977 | [BibTeX] |
016 | Stable evaluation of polynomials in time log n. | Kusterer, R.; Reimer, M. | 1977 | [BibTeX] |
015 | Lp-approximation by Kontorovic operators | Maier, V. | 1977 | [BibTeX] |
014 | Intervall-Funktionale von Gauss-Legandre-Typ | Reimer, M.; Pittnauer, F. | 1977 | [BibTeX] |
013 | Potential scattering in a homogeneous electrostatic field | Veselic, K.; Weidmann, J. | 1977 | [BibTeX] |
012 | On mulitvariate polynomials of least deviation from zero on the unit cube | Reimer, M. | 1976 | [BibTeX] |
011 | Die lokale Lp-Saturationsklasse des Verfahrens der integralen Meyer-König und Zeller Operatoren | Maier, V.; Müller, M. | 1976 | [BibTeX] |
010 | Ein Reduktionsverfahren der konvexen Optimierung | Ulrich, H. | 1976 | [BibTeX] |
009 | Degree fo approximation by integral Schoenberg splines | Müller, M. | 1976 | [BibTeX] |
008 | Lp-approximation by the method of integral Meyer-König and Zeller operators | Müller, M. | 1976 | [BibTeX] |
007 | L1-approximation to zero | Fromm, J. | 1976 | [BibTeX] |
006 | Die Güter der Lp-Approximation durch Kantorovic-Polynome | Müller, M. | 1976 | [BibTeX] |
005 | Invariant integration formulas for the n-simplex by combinatorial methods | Grundmann, A.; Möller, H. | 1976 | [BibTeX] |
004 | On the multivariate polynomials of least deciation from zero on the unit ball | Reimer, M. | 1976 | [BibTeX] |
003 | On the degree of Lp-approximation by integral Schoenberg splines | Müller, M. | 1976 | [BibTeX] |
002 | Auswertungsalgorithmen bester numerischer Stabilität für Poynome | Reimer, M. | 1976 | [BibTeX] |
001 | Approximation unbeschränkter Funktionen bezüglich einer Korovkin-Metrik | Müller, M. | 1975 | [BibTeX] |
A Domain Splitting Algorithm for Parabolic Problems | Blum, H.; Lisky, S.; Rannacher, R. | 1992 | [BibTeX] | |
New Local Error Estimates for Meyer-König and Zeller Kantorovic-Operators using Maximal Functions | Mache, D.; Müller, M. | 1990 | [BibTeX] | |
Feedback stimulated bifurcation | Küpper, T.; Kuszta, B. | 1983 | [BibTeX] |